I have no idea, i haven’t played that toon in ages, i guess i got invited and everyone else left.
You can do what you want, but you may find you don’t enjoy the consequences of your actions. Posting about moderated content or account actions is against the forum rules. Repeating what got you (or someone else) in trouble is going to also violate the forum rules. You may want to read them.
If you really don’t agree to the rules a company set forth, don’t play the games or use the services. If you DO play, don’t be shocked when you are held to the rules you agreed to.
i am more likely to report someone for something with that type of guild name than someone with a normal guild name - I don’t think I am unique that way either.
Compared to League of Legends, WoW really allows you to say a lot of things before you get in trouble. I’m super toxic in battlegrounds, and I’ve only ever received one chat ban.
I disagree, OP. There are definitely some things which are inappropriate whether or not they can be filtered through a chat filter.
That said, posting things like this:
Don’t help at all, and are very clearly just trying to cause arguments. Gatekeeping is not a good look on anyone, this is a shared space and constantly expressing how much you hate other players is, at best, narcissistic.
this. Act like a human being and there’ no problems.
what would also help is to give an option to prevent all public trade general and such if they dont exist they should.
Are there any games that allow adult language that are worth playing? (General question)
Not in public channels. Why do you think people stick in party chat / discord servers randoms can’t be trusted
Methinks that more people would use the language filter if Blizzard would change the offensive words to something inocuous, or funny. Maybe Hozen curse words could be used to replace the offensive words. "You ookin dookers . . . "
That would defeat the whole purpose intent of the sentence. When someone wipes the group or is being a tool light/kind language does nothing and gging a m+ key over stupid causes anger
It is pretty simple really.
Your playing the game means you have to follow the rules of the game it doesn’t mean that people should use the filter and see a bunch of gibberish in chat.
If being reported for breaking the rules of the game are so bad for you then you should go to a game where filtering is automatic and you can’t be reported.
Although you may find that even when the filtering is automatic it can be turned off and you can still be reported.
Who hurt you puppet?
I agree that was too much and deleted it. I was mostly venting my frustrations, due to prior forum interactions.
Im sure to catch some heat here but…
- I understand perfectly why the language filter exists. I also understand AND AGREE that people shouldn’t be disrespectful and dumb just because them and others don’t have the filter on.
With that being said…
Can we like not be hypocrites here. It looks like a whole lot of high horse, prude, puritans in this thread. All the sudden everyone here is an absolute role model that never utters a single swear word?
The OP is NOT horrifically wrong here. Misguided perhaps, and clarification on the rules has been given, but seems like a lot of people here don’t live in reality either.
Using a swear word to express yourself and insulting someone are two very distinctive things. There’s nothing wrong with pointing that out IMO.
Nods, it’s understandable and I’ve gotten worked up before myself over others on forums too and have let myself get baited into reportable offenses.
Honestly Its crazy to me how this isn’t a hot topic all the time. Nothing is more frustrating and shines light into the severe lack of moderation in these forums, than to not have any tool available for people that bait others into that sort of stuff.
I’ve never had that issue, but I have seen it.
There are A LOT of people here that purposely push buttons and harass without saying a single bannable comment.
It’s an art almost, to do it. And some very specific characters go out of their way to do it all the time. By being unreasonably contrarian, by inciting other commenters, etc. etc.
And those things are also impossible to be picked up by automated services.
some of those are very subjective as well. People’s assumptions about what others are doing are often wrong and very often cause people to get angry over something they don’t need to be angry about.
I can’t think of anything that anyone could possibly say that could bait me into profanity in a typed-out format, especially if they don’t know personal details about me IRL. There’s a layer of purposeful needing to actually put in the effort to pick out each letter where even if in the heat of the moment I’d very much want to tell someone exactly what they should do with the horse that they rode in on in graphic detail, having to actually type it in to a chat window or a forum messagebox makes a difference.
You’re right that being able to destroy someone in writing without using profanity or harassing, demeaning language is an art. It’s an ability that people really need to look into picking up, or just walk away from their computers and cool down if they find that impossible for some reason. Trolls will trolololol, and being able to blow them off without putting yourself in a position where you can be actioned for it is a critical life skill for day to day survival.