Lag on looting?

me and the wife both recently started seeing a lag when looting.
Is this a change or just something that somehow we both miraculously started getting buggy with on two different computers at the same exact time?

I have had the same issue, if I move to the next corpse it will auto loot like normal.

Are you on Oceanic?

It’s been an ongoing issue since BFA launched making overworld play damn near intolerable.

I always see this lag while looting at least like once or twice every play sessions. Its never smooth

There’s been lag on looting and quest turn ins for a week or so now. It’s irritating.

Considering it took an entire legion Expansion to convince the devs that Dalaran has slow load time and it not our SSD. I am not expecting them to do anything about it . :rofl::rofl:

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I’ve had this for weeks, thought it was just my laptop lol. Looting and every time a rare dies I have lag.

thanks. Glad its not me just going insane. Definitely noticeable.

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I’m not… I think It’s that wonderful squirrel tech they employ. that or someone forgot to feed them again.

I’m stateside with a 24 ping to the servers… It has gotten better for me since the 8.2.5 patch, but it was noticeable today. Finally gave up after about 30 minutes.

I’ve had weird lag all along this xpac. Sometimes I’ll enter a dungeon or LFR and all of a sudden my latency jumps to >200. Lasts until the run is over. Leave the instance and then everything is fine. It’s not consistent with any particular instance.

Something is definitely whacked with blizzards system coding or infrastructure.

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