They just don’t seem to care at all, and people can’t refute that at this point. You know what else is great? There are people out there with our issue thinking it’s no big deal because it’s only a second or two of lag… They don’t realize the damage it’s causing. I have a few guildies in my guild who I was informing about the gravity of this issue and they were shocked.
/sigh… /applaud
Lol Blizzard
Some communication would be nice. Even if they have no idea what the issue is, just hearing that they’re still trying to figure it out and still actually give a crap would go a long way.
Next blue post will be “We’re aware of the issue and working on it. Thanks guys for your patience.”
Just like all the others
Still would be better then complete silence. Though some kinda ETA or compensation for all those affected would be cool too.
But who am I kidding, this is Blizzard that we’re talking about here lol.
Its been 10 days, 666 posts and amazingly no fix. Just going to use the workaround from now on and recommend those i talk to, to do the same.
If Blizz scratches their collective heads on why Unique Monthly Users for their bnet launcher have gone down, tough tooties. Do better.
So imagine you’re in a stadium. Some unnecessary statistics tracking machine is leaking toxic gas into the stadium. That gas could be dissipated by opening the stadium roof or alleviated by turning off the machine. The stadium owner asks everyone who complains about the gas to be patient while they try to fix the machine while it’s running. Fixing the machine can understandably take some time. Management could alleviate the issue by disabling the machine, but they’d rather just hope that most of the crowd doesn’t notice and head for the exit.
Is the workaround to set the hotfix file to read only? Because the file is already read only for me and the lag happens anyway. Not that I’ve been doing anything of importance in WoW anyway because the lag is so off putting visually for me. I’ve been watching friends play instead.
Yeah. Put both the Hotfix and Tooltip log files in read only
Set the hotfix file and tooltip file to read only. Do not open your battlenet app. Use the wow.exe in retail folder.
Hmm it looks like they’re in read only by default for me. I’ll open from the .exe like you say. Thanks so much!
Still no ETA, blues?
Still having the issue as well after this maintenance that rolled by, installing updates for everything, etc. This is bad juju.
It’s definitely on Blizzard’s side, and it’s definitely not being fixed fast enough.
I am just done with wow…I am having fun with D2 Shadowkeep its plays well and no issues.
I really want to be done, but I just haven’t found an MMO that scratches the same itches as WoW does.
I feel you there. I dabble in other MMOs but I have always stuck with wow. A shame that Blizzard is doing its best to make me not want to play.
The downside to the temporary fix to the log files is you have to enter your login details rather than them being passed along from BNET. Since BNET tries to correct the permissions, I’ve been using a command script that denies all permissions. When BNET fixes it (update prompt), I run the script to lock them again. I like the convenience of being able to login in quickly and lock the files without having to do it manually.
Copy the text below into a Notepad. Save as .cmd or .bat. Right click and run as Admin. Make sure to change the path to your wow install.
@echo off
echo Changing DIR...
cd "C:\location\to\wow\_retail_\Logs"
echo Setting perms...
icacls Hotfix.log /t /deny Administrators:F
icacls Hotfix.log /t /deny Users:F
icacls Hotfix.log /t /deny Everyone:F
icacls Hotfix.log /t /deny SYSTEM:F
icacls Tooltip.log /t /deny Administrators:F
icacls Tooltip.log /t /deny Users:F
icacls Tooltip.log /t /deny Everyone:F
icacls Tooltip.log /t /deny SYSTEM:F
echo Done
echo Press any key to close.
pause >nul
I was going to post on reddit but this seems to be getting more traffic.
Now that the weekend has arrived we won’t be seeing a fix till maybe Tuesday and at this point I am doubting that.