Well, I mean, of course they’re not going to support workarounds that involve modifying local files or whatnot, and of course they’re going to say the obligatory “do so at your own risk”.
It is a crappy situation, I agree. But personally, I find it difficult to be empathetic to those who are losing their minds over this. Folks are gonna react how they wanna react. For the ones who are worried about their equipment, yes, I get it; but if I was in that situation, I would just not play the game and let it ride.
I don’t think I’m antagonizing and I’m sorry that you see it that way. Merely voicing an opinion regarding a select few who have these knee-jerk reactions to the situation. Yes, the situation sucks. I’m not denying that.
Good luck to all! Hopefully it’ll get fixed tomorrow.
I know it’s a far-fetched idea, but I really wish Blizzard would just make the game drain your gametime on a day-by-day basis. If a bug like this breaks out, I should be able to stop playing for a week and not have that subtracted from my remaining time. If a player’s account is nearly out of time, they should be able to come on super duper rarely to check auctions while they save money for a renewal.
Just a suggestion. It wouldn’t matter because I spent this time playing a lot of Classic, but if they were to implement it, I think that nobody would come here begging for “compensation” for the wait.
Idk if anyone can relate, but this little lag problem is very small compared to other bugs this game has had… But, for some reason it’s so annoying to deal with it makes me not want to log in even if I want to lvl someone or do stuff. I hope it gets fixed soon.
That’s actually a pretty neat idea. I’m not sure how that would work with the more ‘hardcore’ players (the ones who play more than a few hours a day, etc.), but it sounds really cool
Fingers also crossed on a good hotfix tomorrow! I went to change my hotfix file setting to read only but it was already read only. I didn’t change anything else because I’m paranoid that one mistake could mess up a ton of game files. Anyway, looking forward to tomorrow morning!
Maybe some people are justifiably upset that 9 days of playtime went straight to toilet.
Do you think Bliz is going to refund us that time? Hell no. Frankly blindly white-knighting for them is worse than their delay. People can and probably should be a little mad that a paid service that’s 15 years old can’t get it’s act together.
If anything the latest “patch” seems to have made things worse. The lag/freezes seem to be a bit longer, where as it use to be a quick 1 second…now its taking 2-3.
Even if blizz doesn’t recommend it (go figure why!?), you should use the work around fix. Works like a charm. I personally will not open my Bnet app until the problem is fixed
If you log in, that’s one day subtracted from your account until the next ingame day starts. It doesn’t matter how long you play, it just accounts for vacations and absences.
I’m not sure. BattleNet app updated, but the game didn’t. Problem still occurs, not as frequently, but it still happens. I’ll reboot my pc and try again to see.
Still happens. I completely power down my pc, then booted back up after the Bnet update. Still occurs, at various times and always on quest turn ins for me.