It is kind of insane that this hasn’t been hot fixed yet
Bumping because still no fix
In the real world you would be correct. However, in the world of Acti-Blizz; this is just par for the course.
Happening here on several accounts, multiple servers, and on two of the systems it is causing a rather distressing noise from the hard drive when this happens.
C’mon, Bliz, can we please get a fix?
Even with the read only or deny access fix in place, it’s still doing it. Just a bit less.
Pushing CPU usage up to 80% with just wow running when it starts jittering and lagging (which it is doing each time I interact in the game (mail, mount, vendor, quest, loot, fly, etc). It’s nuts. The load screens are beyond ridiculous as a result of this issue as well… Even that is jittering.
This has to get fixed has gone on too long now.
Killing last bit of joy I had playing this.
Just to let you know there was an update today but no fix to this problem unfortunetly. Maybe tomorrow with the longer maintenance.
I had an update as well but no fix to this issue. I am really pleased that it’s not fixed yet and there’s been 0 communication from Blizzard. Thank you so much Blizzard. Very much appreciated. You’re the best.
I tried with zero addons and still happens, help !
Blizzard won’t respond to this post. We’re all out of luck unless you use the workaround.
42mb update and no fix… are blizz joking with us??
The fact they’ve responded to other people’s threads means they don’t care about this thread anymore. Honestly I’ve loved this game and Blizzard for years. I used to be one of it’s biggest supporters but the fact that they can’t even simply communicate is really shaking my belief in the company.
Hey all,
This is still on our radar and the devs are still working on it, we just don’t really have a lot of constructive information to share. I entirely understand that this creates an annoying game experience, but beyond “Yep, we’re working on it, we haven’t forgotten you” I can’t really provide much else here. Once we know the fix for it is in, I can let everybody know to update their clients and test again, but we haven’t hit that point yet.
Either way we appreciate everybody hanging tight so far.
Wait a minute, one question before you guys get back to work.
One user claims that this bug fried their GPU. Is it safe to play with the bug? I don’t want to fry my PC.
Fair question! That is not a thing a bug like this is capable of doing. Even if your GPU is run hard, it should be able to handle high load. If it gets fried it’s because the cooling solution was insufficient or the graphics card was already on the way out due to some other malfunction. There’s a difference between a trigger and a root cause, and running the PC hard would just be a trigger.
Basically, your hardware and windows both have failsafes to prevent hardware damage. Windows, your drivers, and your GPU would all work together to either throttle your hardware (which causes low fps/performance drops), speed up your fans, reduce power to the hardware, etc.
If this is not happening correctly you have a hardware or software issue beyond the scope of our game because Windows/etc have the final say on what your PC does. The worst case scenario you should get is a Bluescreen of Death. If you get that you want to work with Microsoft or a local PC tech to look for the cause of the BSOD.
If you’re concerned about overheating a piece of hardware, I’d run HWMonitor and make sure nothing’s getting too toasty while playing. If it is, you probably want to reach out to a PC tech to have the PC cleaned.
I apologize for throwing any shade. It’s just been frustrating hearing people go on about this issue possibly busting our pcs and not hearing anything back. I really really appreciate you responding to this and letting us know. Really helps alleviate our fears a bit.
Thank you so much. This had a lot of us terrified. This is a newer PC I play on and I’d hate to destroy it like that.
On that note, RIP Zodia’s GPU.
F for Zodia’s Gpu.
Ah, one more potentially useful bit of information here. We’re pretty sure we know what’s going on here. If any of you have a Solid State Drive (SSD) with room for the game and install it there, it probably will work around the issue. As far as we can tell the stuttering is in some way caused by slower harddrive read speeds in combination with something we’re trying to fix on our end. I know that some of you probably only have rotating platter drives, but for those of you with the option, if you care to move your game this may help you out while we fix the root cause. Either way I’ll let you all know when it’s time to retest on your normal drive.
You do know some people with SSD’s are also getting the problem… you do know this right?