The downside to the temporary fix to the log files is you have to enter your login details rather than them being passed along from BNET. Since BNET tries to correct the permissions, I’ve been using a command script that denies all permissions. When BNET fixes it (update prompt), I run the script to lock them again. I like the convenience of being able to login in quickly and lock the files without having to do it manually.
Copy the text below into a Notepad. Save as .cmd or .bat. Right click and run as Admin. Make sure to change the path to your wow install.
@echo off
echo Changing DIR...
cd "C:\location\to\wow\_retail_\Logs"
echo Setting perms...
icacls Hotfix.log /t /deny Administrators:F
icacls Hotfix.log /t /deny Users:F
icacls Hotfix.log /t /deny Everyone:F
icacls Hotfix.log /t /deny SYSTEM:F
icacls Tooltip.log /t /deny Administrators:F
icacls Tooltip.log /t /deny Users:F
icacls Tooltip.log /t /deny Everyone:F
icacls Tooltip.log /t /deny SYSTEM:F
echo Done
echo Press any key to close.
pause >nul
I was going to post on reddit but this seems to be getting more traffic.