Lag, it ain't going away and only occurs with wow

Ideally your fellow players, myself included, would need to know where your connecting from, to, which server, what kind of ISP and would suggest gathering a trace to see the route, perhaps with return path to see which hop was the likely culprit. The support pages no longer work, as far as I know, to link how to gather that though.

calling your ISP might be the next step, they likely will tell you your connection to them looks ok, but won’t give a picture about you to Blizzard.

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man, that crazy. I can speak to China in live chat, while reading a Singapore newpaper on line, with Amazon prime The Boyz running in the background but if i close all that, restart and just want to play wow, i get this lag… Means of communication is Starlink 250UL. 20DL. Thanks for your input.

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