Can someone explain why the lag is at 10k ms?

Seriously looking for an answer from the game developers or support… None of the articles or advice fixes this lag. It has made the game unplayable.

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The experts here at General Discussion suggest that you unplug it and plug it back in.

If that doesn’t work, try a fresh install of Windows.


So you posted in General Discussion …


You need to post in Tech Support then.

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Run a traceroute to see where the bottleneck is happening?

(I fear my toolkit of troubleshooting ideas comes from a simpler age long ago)

I’ve not experienced this myself but realize this would make any online experience miserable.

Here are the instructions on how to run a tracert:

Include that output along with your dxdiag report in the technical support forum topic.

here are the instructions on DXDIAG -

Sounds like a WiFi issue

Mine always are

:ocean: :milky_way: :ocean: :milky_way:

This is why a lot of people post on gd 1rst. Chances of answers are higher with more viewers. No worries though, after sufficient answers the topic gets moved by end of day. Smart move for all parties involved.

OP, sometimes it’s internet, and sometimes bigger. Look into all the helpful answers. Good luck! :shamrock:

I’m not knowledgable on these types of issues. I recommend changing your WiFi name to something funny like “NachoWiFi” or “NSA_Van”.

We have a SSID near by that says FBI surveillance van. Always makes me laugh

:milky_way: :ocean: :milky_way: :ocean:

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Are you from Europa ?