Ladies Lounge and Megathread

I’m intersex and It’s just dirt on an alt doing what dirt does best. Troll.

Pay no attention to him.


“Because we are a Companion Thread, to the Gentleman’s Lounge.”

And periods. I’ll probably definitely complain about my period when it starts soon.

Most guys are grossed out and don’t care to hear about that, so the ladies lounge title is a good warning.

Doesn’t mean they are barred from entering.

I gotta stand up for my favorite fox :people_hugging:


Same. I got a timer and it says i was supposed to start yesterday… ya mines always all over the place lol

Oh, is that why you’re such a terrible human being? Because daddy left to get milk and never came back? Shame you didn’t get any hugs as a kid but you need to see a therapist, not the forums.


Well then. I guess they were right about your intentions.


Speaking of mom and dad i better call them see how they are doing.


Bro saaaame. Like, they are supposed to be on a schedule to some degree, right? But mine isn’t.

One month it starts at the end and the next month it starts again right at the beginning. It’s like, bruh, gimme a break PLEASE


Say hello from your random human hunter friend c: I hope they’re doing well!


Some ppl rly lost their minds on this forum I s2g


i think social media has been a HUGE leap for women’s health issues.

people seemingly grew up in an education system which seems to severely lacked any health education.

when i was in school, we’d all go to the library at lunchtime and giggle over anatomy books, and teach ourselves :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

most of those sorts of books are probably banned in schools now.

Where I make too much T for whatever reason sometimes its on schedule other times not so much. It can be delayed 2 to 3 months.

Awe ty I am doing well other than Cutie waking me up xD

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It’s cheaper than therapy so it’s really not surprising :dracthyr_lulmao:

See, I used to learn all that stuff from TV shows lol probably not the best way to learn. I only remember getting one lecture in school, they showed us some video that I don’t remember. The only thing I remember is that I literally started my first period like 10 minutes after watching that video :sob:

It’s like my body was all like, “hey you finally watched a video about it now it’s time for hands on experience.” My teacher at the time was a dude, it was so embarrassing having to explain it.

Ah yeah I can see how that would mess you up. Sometimes when I’m really stressed, it’ll skip a month but it always comes back with a vengeance ORZ

Cutie? Is that your pet? :eyes:


Love it when animals wake ya up. My cat, Snowy, woke me up from my nap, though in the cutest of ways too.


Cutie is one of my cats. I have 3 total.


I think the most borrowed book at our school library was “Are You There God? It’s Me, Margaret”

…because it was the least technical book about “the curse” :crazy_face:

leave her alone.

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I am an official crazy cat lady. I have like… 8 cats? We can’t resist when we see a stray or a rescue :pleading_face:

Yeah, I feel like we definitely need to improve education about it. I remember this one girl who didn’t know what periods were. She started bleeding and then freaked out because she thought she was dying.

I won’t lie, it MAY have been from a movie/tv show because I honestly can’t remember. I just remember seeing or reading about that happening lol

why do you care?

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