Ladies Lounge and Megathread

We have a little bit of flooding. I’m in KY.

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Flag those messages as trolling and hopefully they will be banned for 6 months. A nice vacation usually fixes everything around here.

So how has your weekend been? Anything particularly good or bad happen? Good food?

I miss this game :frowning: i had a decked out jean grey and I face tanked muspelheim goin all phoenix mode. In 2015? Man, better days


Bring it back!

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Currently fishing for Old Ironjaw right now. I was gonna queue for TW dungeons to farm a guild vault ton of badges for the two toys I’m missing but it’s a little boring right now.


I do too. I was working on prestiging my characters when it went down. I loved getting characters raid ready to see how they performed in raid. I wish we had gotten the Thanos raid.


I need to log back in and work at leveling this mage.

Thanks for asking!

I visited my parents and had a nice dinner yesterday.

How about you?

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I leveled mine without touching DF at all. I’m doing things at my own pace on this one, going from Classic to DF.

Edit: I’ve got a ton of new toons just sitting in my list waiting for me. I started leveling my Draenei Paladin but then stopped. She’s level 7 right now.

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That sounds good! What kind of food did you have? I am… A fan of food :thinking: Mine was alright, just cut short cause I worked Saturday which somehow is more of a nightmare than working Monday and having Saturday off for no reason other than BUT SATURDAYS HAVE ALWAYS BEEN FREEEEE

We had a pork tenderloin with gravy, baked potato, stuffing, and carrots.

For dessert, we had brownies with black raspberry ice cream.

Hopefully, you have today off and can relax!

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That honestly sounds amazing :pleading_face:

And yes, have today off thankfully, so I get to spend a bit more time with the doggo which is always nice.

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It was delicious!

I even have some leftovers in the fridge!

I’m glad you have the day off.


Just found out I can have as many toons as I want on Moon Guard so now I can make one of every class on Horde as well! I’m so excited. It’s gonna be a lot of work though. My current toon you see as my icon here is my “perfect” toon.


Moon Guard best realm! And our Horde side is going to bulk up thanks a lot to cross-faction guilds.

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It’s gonna be awesome! I can’t wait!


As soon as they announced it I went to work.

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Your elf is cute. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Thank you!