(Ladies) Is there anything in game you think is inappropriate?

You assume that we are offended by the succubus, that this cartoon demon in a bikini is somehow objectifying and mysoginistic towards women. When a woman responded to you with that she liked it and that she should stay, you proceeded to tell her that she doesn’t speak for all women.

She said this…

You responded with this…

You don’t speak for any women in the game. For you (a man) to attempt to shame her by responding to her like she was somehow wrong for posting how she felt is arrogant. She doesn’t speak for all women but in a thread asking for the opinion of women she certainly has the right to speak hers!

Check your privilege!

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Again, assuming my gender…

I haven’t come across anything I would consider inappropriate or offensive content. I don’t mind curse words, spitting, skimpy armor, succubus, etc.

I agree with the removal of the NPCs. But everything else?
I’m honestly bothered by the fact that they’re removing other things from the game. I think that time would be better spent adding/improving instead. Out of all of the requests and issues that players ask them about…they choose to do something that I’ve never seen anyone ask for. Removing emotes, words, etc?

Total waste of time and I can see it for what it is - pandering.

Side Note: I’m sure someone out there has asked for them to remove, for example, /spit. But it’s not something I have seen a majority of players ask for (E.g. more customization options, tmog options, etc).

Get over it.

Your personal crusade against the succubus does not belong in this thread.

Go make a thread for the men of the game to speak up about what offends them and keep on trying to regress society into believing that men know what’s best for women. I make my own decisions and have my own opinions along with every women in the game. They don’t have to share my opinion but in a thread asking for our opinions we don’t need you in here impersonating women just to disrupt the thread.

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The hatred for gnomes really does get to me. Or at least it used to. This has been ongoing for years and I’ve just gotten apathetic to it. Ever since the embarrassment Operation Gnomeregan, I just kind of gave up on things and stopped caring. Especially since they started adding quests in Cataclysm to mock them further and encouraged this kind of attitude (especially the quest in Uldum where you just run over hundreds of gnomes with that rolling ball thing? Sorry, it has been years since I last did it)

That said, the recent Mechagon and the allied race mechagnomes were both a wonderful and horrible thing for gnomes. It is the first time Gnomes have gotten content specifically since… gosh, WotLK probably. But it’s a double edged sword, because it made a lot of the community upset and they lash out heavily against gnomes once more, especially mechagnomes who people ignorantly blame for ‘taking the place of the race they wanted’, but I am really digressing from the topic at this point… sorry! ^^:

As for the actual topic… I’d have to think on this. Nothing really stands out. Mind you I have always felt like they don’t have much feminine clothing/gear in the game but I am not sure if that’s Blizzard’s fault (shorter skirts for instance may not be possible with WoW’s engine) and I’d hardly call it “offensive”. There is definitely room for improvement but nothing is bad at least, that I can think of.

If I run into sexism ingame it tends to be in with the community, and I try to avoid it if I can. Not that all toxic behavior in WoW where it appears is related to sexism either, it comes in all shapes and sizes. The current events have been really encouraging the worst kinds of trolls lately though, so I will be glad when this is all over…

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Who said I’m impersonating? Your demeanor is somewhat unsettling.

It’s good that you are unsettled by it. You should be.

Are you threatening me?

Its supposed to have a Grimm’s Fairy Tale vibe to it…and Male Witches are Warlocks…not Manwiches which is a sloppy joe.

No. Not at all.

You should be unsettled by being called out for pretending to be a female just so you can come in here and troll. Being called out for being dishonest should be unsettling to anyone. It means you have a conscience.

We are talking in circles here

I’m over your trolling at this point.

Just for Lokath:

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I noticed that no one asked the succubus how she felt, and you lot just made the decision for her.


Actually while the existence of the succubus hardly offends me, I really liked the model they used for the Fel Temptress. You know… the one that actually wears pants? While it’s technically in game already (Orb of the Fel Temptress) and I can grind out the item… very slowly… I’d much prefer there to be an easier method to get a similar glyph for Succubus without the flashy fel theme too.

Again, not an issue of succubi being ‘offensive’, but I’d very much welcome more options in general!


Oh my god, an actual conversation on the forum with thought and reasoning behind each post. I love this. I agree with you, there was very little backstory to the why on this. But let’s be honest, the storytelling in Wow is not groundbreaking. It is like anything else in the modern era of entertainment, a rehash of an old story set to the current scene. For all I know, a writer watched The Craft one weekend and decided to write that into the game.

The writers change just enough to fit the narrative and hope you don’t notice. There are quite a few questlines that have come out over the years that went nowhere, made little sense and just existed or at least to me.

I would never insult someone for their opinion/thoughts/feelings as they are based on personal experiences.

I will say, although I have played since beta, I honestly do not dive into the game to much to have dissected the lore and backstories.

The gameplay and mindless killing of pixels is what appeals to me, I have made great friends over the years and will continue to do so as long as it is fun. I play to escape the reality of the world’s problems, but if that reality begins to make it’s way into game, I am afraid a lot of people will be turned off.


Largely my own opinion on WoW’s storytelling is that Blizzard has always done an outstanding job at telling very deeply interesting and enjoyable zone stories and setting up amazing settings for their world, but when it comes to telling the primary story they have always stuck to tropes and cliches among other things and have struggled to make things feel meaningful.

Gosh, for years every villain had the same problems and motivations… insanity… so I am glad they at least have moved past that. Legion finally had some villains that had deeper motivations than “I kill because crazy”, and as boring overall as I find the Jailer for other reasons, at the very least his motivations are interesting. He is a decent antagonist so far… at least in that regard.

Bud, I really do not care what other people think in a fantasy game. If they do not like it, please leave. It’s not me trying to be rude but at some point you have to stand up for the sake of common sense.

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I think the Blizzard Stans are the most inappropriate thing in game.

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I’m done being bullied by you too good day