Lack of tanks?

I’m a tank/DPS. I’ve tanked every dungeon possible multiple times ;D. Not to toot my own horn but as soon as I log in I get 5-10 whispers to tank a SM wing. It’s really sweet, I’m working on writing a thank you post for all the people who’ve helped me get this far:)


if you join pagle’s lfg - many many groups lf1m tank

Bad tanks will get better. Bad DPS tend to stay bad DPS.


I ran WC on my mage the other day and we had a warrior tell us he can’t tank because he was too poor to buy the defensive skills. He used the money to level engineering.


What kind of a newb hits rend after level 10? Spam sunder if you want something to spam for overpower procs, you will do more damage from you white hits, and get more rage, doing more damage than rend.

Your primary ability from level 10-40, should be sunder honestly, throwing in a whirlwind at 36.

Never use heroic strike, unless you just have built up so much rage that you somehow are at 90+, then hit it once.

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Tank as a shaman


yeah I never used HS, honestly just used rend so I had something a little different to hit (only used it on quests, never while tanking).

But god forbid someone was a “newb” and used rend, you and all of your infinite wisdom and time to already be 60, you’re so good.

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What you don’t like the fury cleave?

Hope you realize this has nothing to do with lack of tanks. This only means that you, as a tank, have no trouble finding a group. This does illustrate the typical intelligence of tanks which is why they get so much grief, and in turn nobody wants to tank which is understandable. It’s actually sad that this post can be copy/pasted to several of the replies on this thread made by tanks.

Kids these days…

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Rend has been a meme since 2004, there have been tons of jokes about it, the only function rend has in vanilla, is for rogues in PVP so they cant vanish and stealth as easy.

It is very common knowledge, so much so people still joke about “clicking rend”. Maybe you just missed the boat on this whole thing but, it is a pretty newb thing to do. With how little damage it does, most players figure it out rather quickly.

so for questing, just sunder and then white attack (overpower when proc) until WW and MS? I realized early on rend didn’t do hardly any damage, was just wanting to hit some different buttons for a tad of variety honestly lol

Yup I mostly tank with friends I’m tired of tring to help pugs that poll everything then blame the tank I don’t need it

i tank… but i dont like tanking pugs unless im over the level of most of the trash…

PUGS are bad… pugs are randos…
and pugs are normally pugging because their guild isnt any good. or they arent good and their guild knows it…

i prefer to stick to running in guild runs. as we learn each others rhythm and skill set. I know when my guild mage pulls aggro from a mob he intends to kill it solo…

my healer knows how and when to heal me and the rogues know to give me a swing or two on mobs before they release their openers… noone is there to top DPS meters… everyone is there to clear the dungeons smoothly and get phat lewt.

pugs pug to blow up DPS meters… AFK through dungeons… or AOE everything .
hell i’d just take a pug group that knew the slow/kill the runners first…


There’s only 2 viable tanking Class on Horde (3 on Ally but Paladin Tank is incredibly situational), there will be a lack of them.

There’s a reason every single class they released on retail had a tanking tree.

OMG this! Truer word have never been spoken.

I use rend when I’m leveling up a weapon skill because it’s cheap and I can spam it. I suppose I could spam hamstring, but then I just feel bad for rend sitting on my bar.

Lmao my man I havent heard anyone say this but youre so right that it actually hurts

Looking at you Ele shaman I took to LBRS who never used windfury (or any totem that didnt do damage) and stood oom out-of-combat regenning mana instead of drinking. Or you, random pug mage who goes full AoE dps HAM the second my charge lands like all I need for aoe threat is one global. Bro I only invited you for windfury, looked the other way when you were Ele, and then you didnt even windfury? Smh. I booted him because one of my actual group members logged on (and calmly and gently told him what he was doing wrong when he asked, and all he said was “blacklisted” lmfao. Yeah, tons of people are gonna wanna tank when this attitide is rampant)

I just sucked it up and bought some aoe tanking consumables so i can forehead to keyboard like everyone else instead of give myself carpal tunnel trying to AoE tank two packs in LBRS (and by some, I mean every listing on the Horde Skeram AH)

tank on your shaman

People have been doing it on private servers through ubrs for years, resources exist if you wanna learn how

Also this is so true. Bad tanks who stick it out pretty much have no choice but to get better, and a lot of bad dps stay bad because the tanks and healers that carry them pick up all the slack and the DPS never feel like they have to change anything


Tank on that Sham breh

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