Lack of tanks?

Swapped to shaman just because questing on this warrior was so boring-never realized how few tanks there are for dungeons, is that the case for all servers? Has me contemplating back to warrior for strictly dungeon grinding.

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Make a druid tank.


It’s definitely that way on Pagle. I’m not a fan of tanking, but I’m trying to stick with it. Someone has to.


Tanking is basically pvp. You are fighting the players instead of the content.


Could not be said any better!


There are plenty of tanks. Warriors everywhere, druids and paladins can also tank just fine.

It’s just most tanks don’t pug because they don’t need to. We let our guilds/friends know we wanna run a dungeon and a group builds around us instantly.

On the rare occasion I do pug, I’m the group leader, and I don’t bring loot competion with me. That means no shamans, rogues, hunters, paladins, or warriors.

Hell, I’ve used this character’s voidwalker to tank SM. With proper CC and aggro management by dps, its perfectly possible for hunters and warlocks to use their pets to tank all the way to 60.


eh I have a 17 druid, end game on the druid just didn’t seem as appealing

This is always and forever the case

The only 60 tank on my server for awhile was a Paladin(pretty awesome actually, felt much like a TBC Prot pally).

There a lot of warriors, most have zero clue how to tank and are, in fact, AI bots set to recruit difficulty.


Not exactly a lack of tanks so much as tanks not needing to pug stuff with you.

As someone else mentioned, if I want to do a certain dungeon this is almost always because there are specific drops out of said dungeon I want.

So I make the group with my healer friend and fill the group instantly with 3 DPS which are a dime a dozen.

I don’t want competition if the item drops of course, so I stack the group in such a way that the classes I bring along for DPS wouldn’t roll against me.

Wait till you hit 60, it’s incredibly common practice to see groups getting stacked with casters or Hunters, and druids for HoJ farming runs etc.


Run a dung for awesome loot and spem 3 buttons - MS/BT, WW and Execute.


Think and control the pace of the group, pulling correctly, holding threat against mass aoe, shaman earth shock dps - tanking a group has alot of thought - i like to do both - dps for a break and tank for fun.

Finding a group as a dps warrior isnt as easy as finding a group that needs a tank.


Oh I’m well aware, all of those are another part of the reason I strayed away from warrior and have been healing on my shaman.

^ People like this is why there is a shortage of tanks for you to run dungeon. We deal with people like this 24/7


it has been the case of the whole game ever since launch in 2004


Personally, while I enjoy tanking, I pretty much have written off doing it for anyone beyond guildies. Not worth the stress of putting up with the retail mentality and desire to “cleave” everything.


Tank has been the limiting factor for groups in every server I’ve been on (Grobb, Deviate Delight, Bloodsail).

Which is why my Bloodsail character is a druid, I’ll just tank it myself.

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They probably should have left demo shout broken, it made tanking no brainer. Now dps is very aggressive, so tanking isn’t that much fun. A lot of tanks don’t have control. Luckily healers are carrying groups.

I’d say tank as shaman, they have a ton of threat. Probably work up till level 50s.


Did you try to get a two-hander? It gets 100x better as a Warrior right around 26, for me at least. My DPS is huge and I’m primarily a tank with 5 talent points in shield specializaition.

When I’m not tanking and am questing only, I just go to battle stance and equip my 2 hander and just mow down everything.

If you find playing a warrior is boring. You are playing wrong.


If you spam dungeons as a tank, you will never lack for groups. You will also level far faster than questing. You will also be better geared than questing. Just remember a few things:

  1. Go tank spec if you are gonna dedicate to tanking dungeons. It sucks when yer not in a dungeon, but rocks when you are. Be the dungeon tank specialist.
  2. Look up the level of the final boss of a dungeon. Do not start that dungeon until you are no more than -3 levels below that boss. The penalty to hit and damage only gets worse the lower you are.
  3. Your DPS should be the same, but you can do -4 levels below boss too. Expect a longer fight though.
  4. Your healer can be -6 or 7 levels below boss. They won’t be trying to hit it often anyway. They just need to ensure your life bar doesn’t hit zero before the bosses does.
  5. Take note of the particularly good healers and healers who are actually healing specc’d. Questing will often be just as hard for them as it is for you. Give them preference to heal for your groups in dungeons.
  6. Expect some to want to go go go. Use your healers mana as an excuse to slow things down if you can and need to. Otherwise, kick em and replace. Remember, as a dungeon tank YOU are the rare spawn.
  7. Conversely, if everyone is ok and your healer is ok, don’t be afraid to go go go.
  8. Save your healing potions and lock candy for “OH CRAP!!” moments and don’t chug them simply because you can.
  9. Don’t be afraid to tank for groups that are not all about that aoe. Hunters, Warlocks, Druids, Shamans (since you’re horde), and Rogues will love you for that.
  10. Dungeon grinding can get dull. Especially for the dungeons that last many levels. Just stick with it, it pays off down the road.
  11. IMPORTANT: If you are messing up, don’t be afraid to listen to feed back. Sometimes people can be nasty, filter that garbage out and look for the nuggets of information. If nothing else, if they are complaining, the nature of the complaint is feedback in and of itself.
  12. IMPORTANT: Every group is different and not all players are created equal. Try to learn to gauge how good the players in your group are and adjust your tanking accordingly for them. If it is too slow even for you, finish up anyway, thank them for coming along, take a short break, then make a new group without them.

Happy Tanking!