Lack of moderation is just killing these forums

This is wrong. Anyways though.

I’m sure they have the ability to. Blizzard employees/moderators also respond and post in the CS sub-forum frequently.

Yeah, basically from what I can tell, most MVPs are just generic players who usually have no insight on anything beyond their limited goofing off. When it comes to a meaningful discussion they contribute almost nothing most of the time.

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This is situational and it also points to another larger issue. Why not give MVP to players who are actually active and invested in the game?

This makes no sense.

This obviously isn’t a serious question.

That isn’t how it worked. The MVPs in the past were knowledgeable and the majority of them were very active and involved in the game. It wasn’t just about posting on the forums though.

I think you don’t understand how forum moderation works.

They have not recruited players for the MVP program since before “strikes” were a thing.

Gee, maybe you’d be happier if they restricted forum posting to Blizzard employees posing as mythic raiders.

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From what I heard the MVP program died and who ever has it is just grandfathered in. As for the Community Council, that’s an actual issue.

This has almost never been the case, even back in the day when they introduced the MVP program there was very limited MVPs with any type of contribution to discussions outside of linking a ToS link or quote, but beyond that they offered more misinformation in regards to the actual game, then assisted.

Blizzard still hasn’t fixed the pink avatars.

They couldn’t care less about the forums.

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I’d rather have someone who engages in the game rather than quest. If my choices were a mythic raider vs. someone who only quested in the game, then yes, I’d go for the raider since they can actually have a discussion in regards to something in the game beyond a quest.

Forums are not killed, they are MURDERED.

Yea. Don’t disagree. They should either get rid of the MVPs all together or update it. Seeing random players who are no longer active with the MVP tag is annoying. I get these forums don’t amount to much, but even now… this place is still active and deserves better.

Community in the game has just been gutted.

This couldn’t be farther from the truth.

Back on the old forums it was very much the case. Not worth arguing about though because I’m sure the experience was different for everyone. Different MVPs in different forums offered up different help.

As I just said above, the experience was obviously different for each forum. The experience I had with them in the past was positive. If you had a negative experience, then that’s unfortunate.

You said:

I said that wasn’t true. That statement being false has nothing to do with a negative experience. Don’t move the goalpost.

Ima be real the OG MVPs were crybabies, that would help fuel the whole casual vs elitist war, and made a fool of themselves. That’s what they were known for.

It has almost always been the case that if you wanted constructive discussion or information relevant to the actual game you went to third party sites or discussed it with players that are actually in the game.

The forum community is basically an entirely detached entity that “positive discourse” mostly means talking about what your favorite pizza toppings are and whether or not you like cat girls.

Community in the game is still doing alright. Forum community never had guts to begin with.

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Remember Palehoof. Lol

This is what makes the forums awful. Not enough players will give the other the benefit of the doubt. You are seriously only here to argue.

That is exactly how it worked.

I’m sure some were. Again, I’m sure the experience varied.

Server communities used to be much better. Servers barely much now.

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Varied from misinformation, to useless information.

That poster certainly was an issue based on how they acted, and was not responsive to suggestions to self correct. Any actions to remove someone from a program though are done in private so none of us know what was said at that point. I would not say he is the reason the WoW Community MVP program has not been refreshed since 2018. Blizzard as a whole has moved away from Forums as a primary means of communiation and discussion for players.

Way back at the beginning, MVPs were the “influencers” for the forums before there was social media. It could be giving tech help, customer support info, linking to current articles, answering game questions, generally being constructive in responses on the forums. Making guides on the forums such as for Transmog, or something else.

Over time that has all shifted to Twitch, Discord, reddit, etc. People look to those sources and other forms of “influencers” for information. Blizzard no longer has a Community MVP program for Starcraft or Diablo. Those were sunset. I remain, but nobody else I don’t think. They never made a forum Community MVP program for the newer games like Hearthstone, HotS, Overwatch.

What is left is Tech/Customer Support who last brought someone in back in 2019. That was Perl. Most greens you see are either TS/CS, or the last ones left in the older programs.

I doubt they are going to refresh the Communty MVP program. I think they have moved, at least for now, to the Council and are using them for direct feedback instead of them being people who interact with the forum community. Council has a different function, so be it. Things change over time.

Keep in mind, greens generally are green because of how they have been posting for a long time before Blizzard noticed and offered them an invite. With the exception of the last WoW Community program, it is not something people applied to. It was a target on your back for doing what you already do on the forums. Some accepted, some did not. The one thing it does grant, is the ability for people to find the post and hopefully find info they need (esp for TS/CS).

We are also not required to park our personality in some little box. We are allowed to criticize Blizzzard, and often do. We can make jokes, be snarky, have opinions. What we can’t do is break the forum rules.

I don’t know where I am going with this. Anyway, hope that provides a bit of info. I still need coffee.


Because forum MVP is about how someone posts on the forums, not about game knowledge exactly. They don’t need to be super at the game, they need to be a constructive presence on the forums. They have that in the MVP FAQ in the Welcome pinned post at the top of GD.