No, I just hate the waste. I’ve said time and time again that I’d rather have proper family dynamic on the Horde finally.
Varian and Anduin had a chance to be a family for a few expansions before he died. So I see that there is quite a difference there and these two therefore it cannot be compared.
And as I mentioned before - Alliance have a lot of families, Horde only has Thrall, and we don’t even interact with his kids.
Secondly, Rastakhan lived over 200 years, that is quite an insight, experience and legacy that a teenager cannot compare. And this trope was done already with Yrel’s story. So we have repeated plot right there.
Talanji being in charge of Golden fleet would allow her to remain active character that would freely appear in multiple campaigns, instead of being bound to the throne.
And lastly
That is incredibly offensive statement, and quite a strawman - becuase you accuse me of having problem with female characters for just existing. IRL I am doing lots of creative projects, which involved writing, and one of the fan projects I made was a fancomic for One Piece - where the main here is … wait for it … a powerful female.
As I said, you know nothing about me, but come up with ridiculous assumptions about me, simply because I dislike how the writing was handled, I gave plenty of reasons why I I was upset with the writing, especially when I never said that her existance was a problem, on contrary I was very happy when she was annouced, and I still think she is a very decent character. But why again we couldn’t have both of them? Heck why Rastakhan didn’t have more children. 200 years and he only recently had a daughter? Where is his wife? Why wasn’t she around? Wouldn’t it be great to have him AND his wife around? I’d love to meet her. But there was literally no word on Talanji’s mother.
I’d like if as much detail was put on family relations within the Horde, especially when the clear bloodlines, ancestry and connections exist in the Alliance.