Lack of drops

I’ve done possibly 20 mythical mostly 10+ the odd one below and all of them to obtain 1handers I have yet to see any drop and when I do get loot it usually always a duicate item or something I don’t even need or just cosmic Flux. Same with lfr 0 drops just did normal 11/11 I got a waist which is my unity so nothing again

I am seriously getting annoyed as I am trying to make this shaman my main but I can’t seem to get any weapons.

Since 9.2 the only weapons I’ve got to drop has been a vault loot on my dh.

This needs to be addressed either gives us upgrades or stuff we can actually use I have 12 toons and running this many dungeons and raids with 3 upgrades for the week is unreal.

What are all your thoughts and have you been getting gear you need or are in the same boat as I’m in? It’s sinking for me and I’m about ready to jump ship