Lack of Communication

While I really dislike the changes to Era, I think I’m more disappointed that there’s been zero explanation from a Blue. I mean, at least tell people if it’s intended change or a goof up. How hard is it to communicate with the player base? This is a prime example why people do not have faith in the Devs anymore. Back in the day there would’ve been a post about it within a hour.


My guess would be that it wasn’t intended, but they’re not going to spend time to fix it, or even the least amount of effort to say anything about it.

What would they say?

“Sorry, we’re not skilled enough to get this programmed correctly, so of course we aren’t skilled enough to fix what we screwed up. We’re moving on, so you should too. P.S. Thanks for the subscription money.”

They’ve already openly admitted that they don’t consider the forums a safe space. They prefer to communicate via Twitter, where they can block any paying customers who have harsh criticisms of their work.


Agreed. People should know what’s happening.


Normally, I don’t really care, and I think it’s whatever… but this is an edge case where I totally agree that some level of communication is warranted.

I thought the updates this morning were going to revert the changes (and maybe they were supposed to, but they’re still working things out). It would be nice to know.



Yea, it’d be nice to know if this is something they’re working on or if this is just what they are gonna do? I’m not a big fan of changes for Era but if they were like, “You’re getting this.” then at least I know what’s up.

I’d imagine this would help addon authors as well. I haven’t looked into it but I’m getting an ElvUI error every time I open up the guild tab and I can’t help but wonder if they did the appropriate version check that Blizzard forgot to :stuck_out_tongue:

Out of curiosity, has anybody with a twitter account tried asking there? I’m not sure if it’s still the case but there was a time when the devs were more responsive there than here.

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I don’t have a X-twitter account, but I tried to look at their pages earlier today and didn’t see anything but old pinned updates and news for like overwatch and w/e. That site is awful, so I don’t know if I was looking in the right places anyway.


When you have people working on 3 games at once I assume it would be pretty hard to communicate.

They update every bowel movement on sod and cata, but crickets on a huge change to era… screams incompetence.


Updated Guild UI isn’t very big of a change, If you don’t like the WBuff you could always right click on the icon and not use it, Hope this helps.

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Blizzard employee confirmed. Thanks for coming out to support your overlords.


No disrespect intended to the Classic WoW team or any individuals involved, and I mean that sincerely, but surely this is part of the problem:

Sorry to hear that you don’t like communicating via the forums but this is the official place to communicate, not your personal X account or any private discords. Here. I can’t imagine Blizzard is OK with this method of communication and feedback solicitation. if they are, they shouldn’t be.


“Retail guild pane isnt a big change” to Era for Era mains who hate retail. Just lol.

Its a substantial change - it just has no impact on game play. Still shouldnt be there.


There we go.

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If the forums are a toxic cesspool that’s their fault. I guess Blizz still mad about Real ID based off that tweet. People troll Blizz on social media too, not sure what that snowflake is rambling about.


There we go what? Its still a dumb and unwanted change for Era.

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I get a kick out of the idea that anyone would go to X/twitter to avoid toxicity and trolling.


So someone wrote a WA to restore the old guild tab.

Its 33 lines and basically just adding the 4 tabs to friends frame and showing it again.

    FriendsFrame:HookScript("OnShow", function()

Which means… That blizzard purposefully replaced it with the retail one when they totally didn’t need to.

And it is a purely cosmetic replacement… Wild that they thought people would want that abomination instead of the simple clean vanilla guild tab.

Blizzard: “Hey!!! I can’t think of any other retail changes to add to SoD… any ideas? Why don’t you force the retail guild tab on all the Era players, that will be hilarious”


Thanks for the addon it works great :slight_smile:

Blows my mind that we pay a sub and this is the treatment. Josh literally said “try not to panic.” what the actual heck are we talking about here? Why would you need to use this kind of language for your customer’s?

If i told my customers, “sorry, but try not to panic”, on no news on major changes, I’d be fired.


Found the dev