Lack of Communication

I purposefully canceled my sub when I totally didnt want too.

Im not above the sunken cost fallacy - I put a lot of thought, time and care into my Era experience - so never say never. But after reading what you said makes me that much more disappointed and bitter. To think that Blizz actually wanted this for Era is mind boggling.

For me, its not so much the change itself as much as what it represents - they don’t care about Era mains want or care about. They’re just going to keep changing it and bugging the hell out of it on behalf of people who dont play it.

Its truly unbelievable to me (not really though) how much they managed to screw this up since its inception.

I take back everything I said about pserver players and pservers in general. I dont blame those people at all.


Such an unprofessional look to roll these changes out before even communicating to the Era community. Feels like absolute neglect.


This is the most important and infuriating thing about blizzards communications. I don’t have X. And there is no way for me to really know I should be going to some 3rd party site or which one. If they can’t deal with toxic forum posters, maybe they should mod the forums more… you know not allow the forums to be toxic. And maybe this is a bit toxic, but I feel like what they deem to mean toxic is often dissent.

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