Kyx'zhul The resetting

Ok… head up, if you Gonna go for world group quest called “Champion Kyx’zhul The Deepspeaker…” Don’t.

Right now this is the issue with him. No matter what pug group I pull can’t Get him pass 50% or down him Some thing bug him up and reset his HP and reburn to his standing area, I try not to fight him pull too far from his Spawning area but no matter what his HP reset back to full…

Dose not help some the “Elder Mindbreaker” dose not glitch and fall off the Gate of the queen area map

This is warning if Until blue post fix this NPC case "Unless you gonna raid him, Don’t try to fight him 5 man case He Just gonna reset at one point and fully heal unless you get 40 man or more to nuke him before that happens

Just Don’t bother until This Bug fix.

Make a thread on the Bug Report Forum so they can address it. It helps.

Did that as seen here Kyx'zhul the Deepspeaker HP reset

So far posting here to warn and give people a head up about this quest. and see this is effect on other sever, If your “Kyxzhul the Deepspearker” bug out on you, please report your story here or on that link to have it know.

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You know he has an ability that heals him to full that he starts casting at 50%, right? It’s called rejuvenating/rejuvenating waters.

Interrupt it.

That not what he been doing… If you don’t belive me, Go up to him and see you can beat him, I be here. also of note I would of know that By the buff so far he have Bubbling and Binding not rejuvenating water… not today

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If you are interrupting him then very well. I’ll try when I get home from work and get back to you.

Curious to see if it’s really bugged or not. :slight_smile:

I saw the same problem tonight. I tried doing the quest on 5 different characters and every group gave up because he kept resetting. This never happened before today.

Hopefuly When he come around He be fix, By now He should despawn as well his quest, Hopefuly when he return he Be Kyx’zhul the Deepspeaker not the “Restting”

As of today, this bug is STILL happening.

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Only way to kill it once I saw was aggro him away from the place he spawns in and get alot of people and just dps the hell out of him.

Yeah just tried to do this WQ as well and can confirm this bug still exists. I’ve been through three groups trying to do this and he just keeps resetting.

Yep still happening.

ok going to say that this bug is still happening at current here over a couple years later hopefully they get this fixed at one point