Kyrian World Quest Flight School is Buggy

This shouldve been fixed already. The fact that its not is very bothersome…

I just fought with this quest for half an hour. Not only are the flowers bugged AF, but I finally made it to the top, and it wouldn’t even register I reached the summit! What an absolute waste of time and energy this world quest is. Why is it not being fixed??

Yup, still bugged. Fell through a flower (a different one each time) on about five different attempts. Is anyone paying attention to quality control at all at this point?

Bumping this because even after the numerous fixes to this, this still isn’t working properly.

Please remove this WQ ID from the list, until it’s actually fixed.

Attempted this 20 times, fell straight through flowers 17 of those 20. Take this quest out of rotation.

Why is this quest 2-3 times on rotation in a row?! it is still buggy af. fix your game or remove the bugged stuff till you do.

Still broken, seems like its actually worse now. I just gave it 30 attmepts and can complete it. I;vedone it before many times but today its just so buggy.

This is STILL broken. I just renewed my subscription and to see WQs like this just not cared about doesn’t make me have much hope for how long this game is going to stick around. Why don’t you care, Blizz?

1 year on and still no blue post from blizzard and still bugging out… What a joke. Just want to get it done to get the achievement…

Almost exactly a year later and still buggy. I’m sitting at the top right now and it won’t register the achieve.

I don’t care if this is a necro. It deserves to have a 1 year old trail on a bug nobody can be bothered to fix.

hey look this quest still doesn’t work, Blizzard just killing it these days

I honestly don’t think they are capable of fixing this quest.
We’ve had desynch issues since Vanilla when interacting with static objects that interact with our characters in any way. It’s also why jumping off a ledge or a flying mount in motion will sometimes disconnect you. The server loses track and kicks you offline.

My earliest memory of encountering it frequently is with the first Brewfest. The apple barrels frequently failed to refresh the stamina bar even when running right on top of them. Jumping, strafing and turning helped to mitigate it but it was never actually fixed. High server traffic only makes the issue worse, like on reset day or the first week of a new patch.

The flowers work in the same way, but instead of refreshing stamina they push our characters up. It’s why people recommend hitting the space bar or strafe/turning in the air.

Right. It’s a weak workaround that takes advantage of the fact that facing changes or other character movement actions force a position resynch, which the (lazy or bandwidth-conserving) default for running or floating doesn’t. The desynch caused by the floating is enough to fail collision checks with the flowers.

So if you can tolerate a little bit of motion sickness (potentially), wiggling the mouse left and right while holding down the right mouse button will force a synchronized stream of position data to the server, practically guaranteeing collision detection will work.