About to hit max level and choose a covenant. From what I’ve been seeing Venthyr is the ‘best’ choice atm for Frost Mages. However I really like the aesthetic of the Kyrians.
Question is how much of a dps loss will it be choosing the Kyrians? Is it a huge difference or just a minor loss?
Depends what you are doing, kyrian is probably the worst covenant for aoe but its decently competitive in single target for frost mage. And I’ve been theory crafting recently, but kyrian frost mage with disciplinary command legendary and glacial spike with close to the shatter crit cap (33% crit) running the kyrian potency conduit and probably the ice lance one could be a monster on single target.
I’m okay with it not being the best of the best, just looking for an estimate of how much dps I may be losing. At the moment, I am running the thermal void build and not the glacial spike.
If by decent single target you mean the worst covenant for single target, then yes, you are correct.
Based off of Toegrinder mage sims anyway. Every other covenant is better for Frost according to those sims which to my understanding they are some of the more accurate ones.
Thank you, that’s the answer I was looking for! Not the petty arguments that popped up elsewhere. That’s honestly not that big of a gap for me to get concerned over it then.
No problem, I could tell that’s the kind of answer that you were looking for. I should add that this is subject to change, given Blizzard’s habit of readjusting things from time to time. The information I gave you is what was available from current simulations. People often assume that numbers are concrete and what’s true now is what will always be true, but look at arcane mages for instance. They were all nightfae, and after 9.0.5, droves of arcane mages are switching to Necrolords. If nothing changes in 9.1 I’ll be very surprised.
I feel so sick that this mage is outdps (simming on raidbot) my main BM hunter that is higher ilevel by at least 16 ilvl oO.
And i really like BM hunter but sometimes I am so tempted to switch to frost mage.
However I chose venthir and i like it…i would go for Necrolord but I have already a n cro toon so i wanted to see another story.
I played Venthyr frost for a while. I’ve had quite a bit of success with it when it comes to PvE.
The problem is that if you want to PvP, it often feels clunky to use, and it can also be dispelled.
The door of shadow is just not a very good escape tool, and the efficient way to use it is to teleport into a group of people for the CC effect. But, this move puts you at risk of being absolutely destroyed by some angry melee characters.
Night Fae is always the better option when it comes to PvP, imo. Their best PvP follower has 2 potency and 2 endurance conduits that are routed correctly. Meanwhile, the Venthyr PvP guy forces you to take a finesse conduit instead of endurance. And finesse conduits are kind of trash?
Also, Night fae gets soothing voice, extra cooldown reduction and insane mobility with soulshape.
BUT, in PvE, you’ll lose dps with Night Fae with the frost spec.
Man I don’t like covenants as a one character player >_>
I really wish people would actually read the question in my post before commenting…
I’m not looking to go off some cookie cutter build that everyone copies and thinks makes them great players. I realize that some covenants provide slightly more dps than others; my question was how much of a difference between the covenants is it. So far only one person has answered.
There’s no reason to be unpleasant about it. Here’s an answer for you…it will be significantly harder to get into groups if you choose incorrectly. The DPS loss doesn’t matter when you can’t play the game.
If you want to know the exact figures, run a sim. It takes about 30 seconds. I don’t understand why anyone looking for help or tips would then complain about people taking the time to help a new player.
Ignoring the question at hand is not ‘helping’, nor is making baseless statements like I won’t be able to play the game. Again, if you don’t know the answer, cool, don’t comment. Go make petty arguments in other posts please.