Kyrian vs Venthyr as Frost

You just don’t like the answer, which is pretty common. If you want to know, run a sim. No one can tell how much dps you will lose.

I imagine it is pretty common that no one likes your petty argumentative comments that have no bearing for the subject at hand. Like saying I won’t get into groups. You do realize what guilds and friends are right? Maybe you should make some instead of being a troll.

Sometimes you’re going to want to pug something. If that’s never going to happen, then it doesn’t really matter what you pick. I’m sure your guild just lights up when you log in. Have a nice night!

So many chances and again since you can’t answer a simple question you instead choose to be a troll. And yes I have a good relation with guild mates because the point of the game is to have fun. You should try it sometime.

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Hey OP,
I just hit 60 myself and I was going through the covenant “choice anxiety”. I would suggest making a list of pros and cons, and then ranking them.

For me, it was more important to find a covenant that I felt offered (1) transmog, (2) character titles, (3) cross-spec utility (so I can play other specs with minimal punishment), and (4) general aesthetic (who seems to be more mage-open).

Covenant abilities sort of fall under header (3), but honestly isn’t something I feel you can rely on. Blizzard likes to change things to make them less fun or more fotm too often, and since I have limited time, I can’t waste it chasing their poor implementation decisions.

I ended up picking Venthyr, but honestly would swap Necrolord if the covenant ability wasn’t just so terrible. Night Fae and Bastion are just too low on the transmog and aesthetic list for me to take, even though they’re both very interesting stories and abilities. Changing picks isn’t terribly onerous either, if you can wait a week.

Kyrian’s just the wrong choice. It sucks in PvP and it’s probably not as good as Venthyr for PvE either. You’ll not only lose damage, but you’ll also lose pretty good utility.

I don’t really know why you’d be so annoyed with people expanding on the subjects. Lots of mages love talking about the different possibilities. You claim that people speak of cookie cutter builds, but i’m not seeing any of that here.

You’re just some level 59 mage, who still has so much to learn. Yet, you spit on those who have shown interest in helping you. You should stop playing mage, and roll a retribution paladin or something.


‘Those who have shown interest in helping you’

First of all, that troll claiming that no one would invite me to a group because of a covenant is not ‘helping’ so don’t delude yourself that it is what ‘help’ looks like. By being in a guild and playing with friends, we can easily get a group. Calling out those types of players is not ‘spitting on them’, so please tone down the dramatics.

Haha. Perhaps you should stick to asking your guild. Your first post ever, and you’re already on bad terms. You take care, bud.

To be clear; I called out a single player because they claimed that I’d never get into a group due to my covenant choice. A claim that is objectively false any way you look at it. That player thinks that was ‘helpful’ advice, which again is objectively false.

Calling out Dapler and you Alicia out on your nonsense doesn’t put me on bad terms. If you two can’t handle being called out on that, that’s not my problem.

Just because you might not understand the advice doesn’t make it bad.
You were asking to be educated. People are attempting that.
Some of the comments have been tangental. Nothing has been meaningfully derogatory to your initial post.
Any of the nastiness is clearly a response to your sour attitude.

There will be consequences to your choice in covenant. Ultimately it is your choice. You will have a substantial dps loss. The better you are at the class, the less detrimental you can make a “niche” covenant choice.

And literally do your own math dude… We don’t exist to run sims for you.

Most people would interpret your original post to provide the theoretical damage loss. Exact numbers are a you thing.

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Fair enough. I’m by no means an expert on sims but I’ll try my best. Simply thought to ask the community. And as I mentioned earlier if no one knows or cares, that’s totally fine.

But making a huge assumption like not being able to get into a group is ‘advice’ or ‘help’ is quite clearly not help or advice. And any attitude was directed solely at that player, not the others posting.

You won’t be able to get into a group for high end content because of the stigma of your choices to not play the preferred covenants. Even if you’re amazing with said niche spec/covenant. People will take the meta character in Q before you.
It’s not a comment towards you at all. It’s the way the community brands non-meta class choices…

Sorry but this is going full circle, again, haha!
I’m not worried about being dismissed from the group finder due to meta choices or the communities views on what’s currently meta. Was simply interested in a ballpark figure for dps loss since I’m no expert on sims. The responses have been…interesting. :slight_smile:

If you won’t feel like your choices are being selfishly detrimental to your guilds progress, pick whatever you want.
If you want to be the most optimized version that you can be to be of most benefit to your guilds progress. Pick what is recommended by the class guides.

Any I’m not calling anyone selfish. It’s how I feel personally when I’m not looking to maximize my class’ potential


Honestly, this is why I rarely offer advice to new players. I’m no expert by any means, but people only hear what they want to hear. People offer legitimate advice when maybe they should have told her to just Google the answer. It’s a sad state of affairs.


Oh please get over yourself.

‘People only hear what they want to hear’. Yes, you definitely fit that category. For the final time, telling people they won’t find a group is not “legitimate advice” as you put it. Take care, Troll.

That’s because you’re new to the game. It’s just not a great expansion to get into if you think spec and covenant won’t matter for groups, even guild groups. It absolutely does. Now maybe your guild is thinking…we’ll take her no matter what and she’s fine, but that’s not the reality outside of that. The stigma that frost is bad still exists, even two buffs later. I’m trying to help you.

There’s really no way for anyone to give you a mathematical answer for this unless you are in the exact same gearset that the default sims use.

Side note I (and I’m sure others reading this topic) find your responses on this thread comical, borderline trolling … because you didn’t get an answer you wanted.

Well, the importance of icy veins to a frost mage’s dps is impossible to overstate, and the Venthyr ability extends the length of icy veins due to the ice lances after your shatter combos (because of Thermal Void). Therefore I would consider Venthyr mandatory for PVE if you want to get the most out of the spec.

I also like the Kyrians so I get it, but I made a pally alt, which I found was an appropriate alt for me since a paladin can do so many things a mage can’t do and therefore I get more out of the game.