Kyrian Covenant: Prepare to Ascend

The mage ability in Bastion seems pretty strong. I’m at the same crossroads as you–I am drawn to Bastion and Ardenweald. I like the story in Ardenweald a lot better, but give the art style in Bastion a very slight edge (it makes me very calm and I need that).Ardenweald is obviously also beautiful.

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If Pelagos doesn’t sound like Marlon Brando I’ll be disappointed. His model looks so much like him. lol

it is better for fury or protection

As a Protection Warrior in beta I find the spear works well enough when the target is at 50% or less Health, however the character’s dps and fighting skills seem to be comparable to the old sword and board days in Northrend. I run as a sword and board dps (actually a hammer and board since he is a Dwarf protection speck) and actually do not tank and might not top the arms or Fury models, but it is my style of game play and I prefer that to tanking. I have a Pally tank for that task.

Substituting real social mechanics with artificial bffs who unlock powers the deeper your “relationship” goes… jesus christ.

This is the covenant I have planned on using from the beginning, it’s so pretty. I’m still up in the air about who I will main, DK or mage.