Kyrian campaign Uther's story

Anyone else unsatisfied/disappointed with how Uther’s story played out?

A part of me was hoping for a boss encounter, knocking some sense into him to regain him as an ally. Perhaps going back to Icecrown Citadel to get the other part of his soul that’s still wanders the halls.

Reuniting the two parts in a self realization adding meaning to why he fought, worked for the light, his honor and sense of justice.
Trying to right a wrong by getting Arthas back.

Nope…he had a bad boss in the Foresworn and wants to pout…

Blizzard if you decide to short story this like you did with the Fall of Teldrassil. Give us a pick your own adventure. I want to give Uther a bandaid and point him to Hello Kitty Island to toughen him up.

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I don’t think his story is quite over as far as Shadowlands go and chances are there will be other parts to the covenant campaigns at least one would think so looking at the Venthyr medallion hub as there are a few slots for medallions still empty at the end of the campaign


Yeah the campaigns won’t end, we’ll just have to wait till the next patch.

I figured the campaign hasn’t ended.

I just don’t care for how Uther’s story is at the moment. A lot of the ending goes against who he is as a character.

Reminds me too much of Luke Skywalker and his relationship with Kylo Ren. One bad student turns you emo!? GTFO

He said he’s sorry for doing all that evil stuff. Every thing is fine nothing to see here; move along.

We have 2 years and at least 3 content patches :upside_down_face:


Difference being that Luke attempted to deal with Kylo before anything bad cause he feared what would happen thus turning kylo into a big bad, Uther had his student brutally kill him after destroying the kingdom he was sworn to protect. In all honesty Bluther isn’t playing with a full deck since his soul was split in two, it’d be nice to have been able to rejoin the two halves.

Edit: No offense to you at all. You just described what I’ve been saying about the Curse of Undeath and how it adversely affect the Forsaken 99.9%(running) of the time.

Bluther is actually from what we see missing half of his soul (or a decent portion of it) the curse of undeath isn’t as big of an excuse for forsaken, DKs legit have a reason why they fall to doing something abhorrent because of the need to cause suffering lest they feel unimaginable pain that Arthas (and apparently Bolvar) put on his knights. Forsaken like DKs have their souls imperfectly bound to their bodies but they’re not beyond feeling emotions entirely as you imply allot of the times and most who are raised by the Val’kyr are raised in such a way that leaves them confused or in a berserker state, as we see in the starting zone. But they have been also shown to calm down, they’ve also been shown to still feel emotions like the desolate council members in before the storm.

I thought his story was fine so far. Honestly, I would have been fine if he hadn’t even been around and it was some other random Kyrian. We have such little in the way of a personal connection to Uther. In-game he’s mostly shown up as a ghost for a few seconds or a very short Caverns of Time stint.

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Well WC3 is where most of the personal connection comes from I think, I mean I like that he’s around personally.

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Either Uther and the Forsaken are playing with a full deck or they are not.

Steve mentioned that sometimes the Undead come back exactly as they were in life, which is basically a zombie with a bad skin condition. Most of the time this isn’t what we see.

You can’t point to instances in which a Forsaken comes back exactly as they were in life and say “Look the Forsaken are playing with a full deck” nor can you take a DK and say “look he’s a decent undead therefore all undead can be like him” even though the DKs are the paragons good and right(scoffs).

Sure. Even then, he plays a relatively minor role in the game overall.
I don’t really care. I’m just saying at least for me, I have a greater interest in say, Tirion Fordring, who we’ve worked with a lot over the game itself.

Idk where Tirion is if he’s not in bastion.

I never said DKs are paragons of good, they’re usually portrayed as doing things that others would find reprehensible. But unlike forsaken if dks don’t cause pain their bodies are racked with unimaginable pain till they inevitably go mad and cause pain.

Guldan probably used his soul to empower a chaos bolt or maybe stuffed him in some Fel Tech.

You’re right but my point is the Undead and Uther aren’t playing with a full deck of cards. Uther is setting up a standard or double standard or maybe the system is just as unfair as Sylvanas proclaims.

Okay here’s an honest question then, how can DKs who have more stacked against with their undeath risk more for the greater good and protection of Azeroth compared to forsaken? The forsaken outside of before the storm aren’t shown as doing anything truly noble or god, usually they’re shown blighting things or raising more into undeath which is morally in the black.

DKs are somehow more able to overlook their lack of ability to feel positive emotions and do things that are actually a benefit, if morally questionable.

I just chalk it up to them being a class for both factions. With them being the “good” and sympathetic undead, maybe it left the forsaken to spiral further downward.

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That could very well be the case, and I can accept that.

I can’t get past this statement and earnest and give you a truthful answer.

Again, each Undead are different. Who’s to say the Forsaken as a whole don’t have it worse?