Kyrian campaign Uther's story

Because they’re not racked by unimaginable pain if they don’t cause pain and suffering? If blizzard said they feel pain from their constantly rotting flesh that would be worse, yet they don’t seem affected by that. Psychologically both DKs and forsaken are undead, they both lack some capacity to feel positive emotions but one I feel objectively has a worse deal even though they have greater power then the other. Plus idk if this is still canon but in wrath koltira tells us how knights are constantly assailed by spirits of the shadowlands trying to claim them, could be retconned at this point but who knows.

Most Death Knights used to be Paladins or, at the very least, warriors. So we’re talking about a rather heavily loaded selection bias for both self-sacrificing nature and military discipline. And at their formation they were already in a hierarchy as far as the Knights of the Ebon Blade.

Forsaken were a much greater mix of random citizenry and their hierarchy was entirely absent at the point of being raised. Many were just ghouls or what have you chewing on flesh. Tailors, cooks, etc. that had a different mix of personality types and training that Sylvanas banded together.

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I can accept that answer, I will say not all knights of the Ebon blade where formally Paladins but wrath shows that most of those knights where of the argent dawn.

The DKs were raised at a higher standard than the Forsaken. At the very least you can admit that I’m sure.

The way I see it the DKs were raised with a higher level of necromancy involved while the the Forsaken were raised with the cheap store brand ghoulish necromancy.

I think the cheap version has it worse. Granted we don’t have enough details of necromancy to sort it all out canonically.

Might not remember correctly but at some point he says something like “I don’t remember my life only my death”

Uther was/is a Kyrian, his soul passed to the Shadowlands while his body is still in an urn in Eastern Plaguelands.

From what I understand, forsaken are undead but they got their souls and mind back to their bodies. Undead are bodies without a soul.

Speaking of which, did Uther and Devos find Arthas’s soul in the Maw and dropped him in a Super Maw a place where even the souliest of souls can’t escape? Or did they scrape him off the floor of Maldraxxus and put him in the Maw?

While I’m thinking about it, if Devos got Arthas’ soul from the Maw. Wouldn’t it have been smarter to take Arthas before Kyrestia? Mic drop evidence to support her claim and the First Born would have some serious revelations to consider.

Communication is key to a successful relationship or overwhelming evidence when she won’t listen

Even Scourge retain their Souls according to Blizzard.

Scourge are Bodies with Souls improperly attached with Sin-touched Death Magic that are bound to the Lich King. Forsaken are Scourge freed from the Lich King. Mindless Undead are Bodies with Souls only attached enough to be kept animate.

The only case of a Body without a Soul is Arthas stripped of his Soul by Frostmourne.

When Frostmourne was destroyed and Lich King Arthas had the Helm of Domination beaten off his head the Soul returned to it’s Body which proceeded to die as it lacked a Heart due to it having cut it out after becoming Lich King!

After that the half of Uther’s Soul that didn’t get sucked into Frostmourne grabbed Arthas’s Soul from his now dead Body and threw him into the Maw!

Souls are brought to the Arbiter by the Kyrian. Uther simply took Arthas directly to the Maw and dropped him inside.

As for the half of Uther that wound up in Frostmourne: He went to the Western Plaguelands!


Kyrian gather the soul of the dead from mortal worlds and ferry them to oribos to be judged by the Arbiter.

When Arthas died in ICC, instead of taking Arthas’ soul to the Arbiter to be judged, they just took him straight to the maw and dropped him in.

He likely would have ended up in Revendreth

nah dude dont even try to butcher lukes character like that. Luke sensed the conflict in darth vader who committed far much more atrocities than anything ben could have potentially done. And then one bad dream is enough to break him? Lm F a O/ His character was ruined in the sequels by JJ never directed a good movie before abrams to make room for mary sue skywalker palpatine solo whatever the her name is.

Hey I wasn’t the one who directed that mess, even Disney has divorced themselves of that trilogy. Idk why it seems you assume I am praising it.

See this is my biggest problem with this expansion as a lore nerd… frankly it was my biggest problem with the last expansion too…

As a Venthyr, my entire experience with Uther thus far in this expansion has been “I saw him fly away briefly that one time I was leveling in Bastion” … THAT’S IT…

Say what you will about the cosmetic and gameplay element of choice behind covenants, I know some people are for it and some people are against it, but what P’s me off is just that I feel like I’m getting 1/4 of the story in this expansion. You get a brief leveling experience with each zone that teases an actual story, while giving you little of the meat - Then you just get to pick which quarter of the ACTUAL story you want to see most, while missing out on the other 3.

And I try to avoid spoilers, so I’m not really digging for that lore deliberately in the hopes I might someday find the motivation to level 3 alts with as much dedication as I currently play my main - Which lets face it - I may never. Seldom does any player devote an equal amount of attention to 1 alt as they do their main - Much less 3. Frankly the more characters you try to juggle simultaneously in this game, the less attention you’re giving to all of them. A person can only pull in so many directions.

SO… as a result… I know jack squat about what’s going on with Uther in this expansion. And it feels like a pretty big meatball to dangle in front of me in Bastion, then not pick up again at all in the endgame.

Anyone who isn’t a Venthyr similarly knows jack squat about what’s going on with Kael, beyond the raid encounter (and there is more beyond the raid encounter)

As a Venthyr I feel like I’m getting bits and pieces of Kel’thuzad coming at me from Maldraxxus (even though Kel’thuzad wasn’t present at all in the leveling experience, so they feel a bit out of left field), but I still feel I’m likely missing a larger explanation for his presence that Maldraxxi players are privvy to.

And I dunno wth is happening in Ardenweald, frankly. Druid stuff I guess.

Probably my LEAST favorite thing about BFA was the 50/50 story split between Horde & Alliance. Instead of every player getting 6 zones, each half got 3 zones. From a PVE/Lore/Questing perspective - It felt like half a game in comparison to prior expansions. And everyone missed out on about 50% of the meaty lore unless they fully leveled both a Horde toon and an Alliance toon. But even THAT felt… both a LITTLE more manageable and a little more justified. 2 toons okay, it’s not 1, but it’s not 4. And they were opposite factions, which is a divide that has always existed in this game, so it didn’t feel too out of line. And that particular expansion was written around that divide between the two factions so OKAY… I didn’t ENJOY missing half the PVE content on my main… but I understood it.

In this expansion however, there’s no strong REASON for us not to see all four of these campaigns play out on our mains. All 4 factions are neutral. We have an established alliance/friendship with all 4 of them by the time we get to level 60. They’re all working together toward the same or similar goals (ya’know, bringing back the anima flow, stopping the Jailer’s plans, restoring order & purpose to the Shadowlands, blah blah blah)… Why WOULDN’T they be working together? Why SHOULDN’T we be working with all of them? Let ME decide what my main does and doesn’t have the time to devote her attention to Blizzard! lol…

I get that they wanted meaningful choice behind the covenant picks, so by all means - Keep the covenants in place. Keep the cosmetic rewards. Keep the exclusive abilities. Keep the exclusive hubs, exclusive NPCS, and a bit of different flavor in the callings/day to day grind. Feels similar to Order Halls in BFA that way, makes the day to day stuff feel a little different on every toon.

Just let me see the WHOLE story… Perhaps still as a representative of the Venthyr, perhaps lending aid to the Kyrian, Night Fae & Necrolords.

I feel like I got a LITTLE BIT of that idea w/ the Necrolords, there’s clearly some overlap between the Vethyr & Necrolord campaigns. Sometimes I’d be doing my campaign quests and see Necrolord players doing the same quests right beside me. I’m cool with that! I just want to see MORE of it… right now I feel like I’m getting bits and pieces of what’s going on in Maldraxxus, and absolutely no clue as to what’s going on in Bastion & Ardenweald.

I miss the days where I could go zone to zone through Outland, Northrend, Pandaria, etc - See every story - Meet every people - Adventure - And absorb all the lore. Not feel like 50% or worse 75% of the questing content was locked behind a need to level an alt.