Kyrian campaign dungeon requirement even worse

Thank you for the kind offer, but I’d rather wait until I’ve out-leveled the dungeons and can solo it rather than inconvenience people shepherding me through content I don’t want to be doing in the first place.

( then again, people seem to feel very inconvenienced by threads containing opinions/requests they don’t share … so … hmm … )


Not to mention some of that trash BoE crafted stuff that people need to crank out to level professions and then have to dump below cost on the AH. That stuff is dirt cheap.

Just a couple pieces of that should get somebody to 144 so they can queue for LFD normal. And we’re talking a few hundred gold here, not thousands.

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It was the same for BFA at least for Alliance, I cannot remember if Horde had the same issues, and it wasn’t until sometime much later when the content was irrelevant that they removed the requirement.

Best to ask around and find a carry, even if you just post in general or trade chat or something and ask if anyone can help you with a normal, you’d be surprised how many people would be willing to help for something like this. No chance Blizzard are going to make the changes you want anytime soon.

I’d help, but <-------- this ain’t Alliance.

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To me, it’s never an inconvenience. It makes me feel useful. But I understand how you feel. :two_hearts:

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That’s all Spires needs? Because OP is 153. I thought Spires was 155 or something?

OP said 155 is heroic, 144 is normal.

So then I don’t understand the problem at all. They can easily finish their campaign on Normal.

Yes, that’s why so many of the responses are so incredulous. :laughing:

Buy the blue ilevel 200 set from the AH and you’re good to go.

LOL you’re not wrong. I mean, I just spent a few days running Normal dungeons as a 60 to get memories. Ten minute wait time on my Alliance alts.

I feel like people make their own problems sometimes.

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I mean…it’s a little annoying that you have to do a dungeon to progress the Kyrian campaign, but you can literally buy ilvl 200 gear off the Auction House. Seems like a non-issue to me.

Hell, if I had a blacksmith I’d just make you a set myself.

Well good news OP. Its comp stomp week soon. About 15 hours till the party starts.

Pvp versus bots. PVPVE, I guess. YOu can be collect up 177 in no time really. Upgrade to taste after. Me…I will call this home even for PVE oriented alts. 216 cap works for my basic need alt needs.

200 on AH.

or korthia gimme’s. its like 2 handout 200+ pieces. plus the 187 weapon assuming scenario not skipped.

Que for random normal. Do you not know about LFG?

ROFLMAO!!! :rofl:

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Op,once your reach 60 do Korthia you can up grade them on your time. I have two alts waiting to do that dungeon ,one ready in two weeks,to go.
Hope,this helps.

I have done the Kyrian campaign x3 once for each cloth, leather and mail. I do not have plate wearers so I am golden. Now to decide if I want to do the same for the other three covenants.

But I agree with the OP having to run spires sucks.

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The Necrolord campaign is the worst, though. There’s a quest that requires you to use the group finder, or ask locally, to find 2 other people to summon a skeletal monstrosity.

That’s just a side quest to upgrade that disguise toy. It’s not required to progress the campaign. Only those quests with the “!” in the box are.


Yeah I did the necrolord campaign this weekend and never needed anybody else.

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