Kyrian campaign dungeon requirement even worse

It is no different than when you went through it the first time. Nothing changed. You knew the requirement. But instead of gearing up (which, let’s be honest, is ridiculously easy and more so with a main) you would rather come here with a completely manufactured ragefest over something you could correct in less than an hour of playing.


Full disclosure, I have 6 alts and never once did I have a problem with ilvl for a normal dungeon.

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Are you just not reading? How do I get these if I can’t progress the campaign to get them without already having good enough gear to do the required Spires?

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I hear you.

I do not do any group content so the Kyrian roadblock is a tad annoying but I’ll deal with it in 10.x when I can solo the dungeon. I’ve made my choices and accept their are consequences as large numbers of players obviously don’t have an issue with this.

It is like the Legion class halls and being gated behind instances. I waited until gearing up in BFA and then went back and did them all. It was fun to outgear everything and enjoy the sightseeing. I’m already making notes on achievements and mogs I want from BFA once things can be solo’d. Just requires patience


The character you are posting on is 142 iLVL. You’re struggling to get 2 iLVL?


Upgrade the pieces you already have and it will give you the ilvl you need. It’s really so easy you are making it difficult for yourself.

you are making a mountain out of a mole hill.


So I’m supposed to take weeks to get though this like when the game launched? Of course my other alt was geared by the time they hit this roadblock because the campaign wasn’t completely available day one like it is now. Just saying there should be a skip for this like everything else they’ve added a skip for for new alts.

With what anima? Do you not understand ‘new alt’?

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Um, since its an alt, why not send some gear over from your main from Korthia? Unless you just dont have enough stygia to buy some tokens to send over.

Or do some timewalking dungeons, buy some timewalking gear which is better than nothing. Just inflate your ilvl as much as you can, and its not like these things are super expensive in terms of timewalking gear. Then you just have to fill in pieces.

You can get 2 trinkets at 164, 2 rings at 164, chest boots and gloves at 164 and neck at 164. You can get all of that with 1 timewalking dungeon and have some currency to spare not to mention any item/items you would get from that dungeon.


I so wish they would let me skip the dungeon on alts after doing it once because well, I hate that place.



Thank you.

But everyone else, since it’s not fun to be crapped on by the rest of the forums I’ll be going now.

Not the greatest for Alts, which is understandable especially when you now have to shell out a ton of gold(which is like 20$+) you may or may not have to up heirlooms to 60 now just to get even close for it’s nonsense.

I never like that A dungeon was used for Story driven content, they should’ve kept it to Scenario ONLY which in turn made sense, I mean Yeah Legion has done this with each Titan Artifact to be retrieved from each dungeon, but it seems Lazy? I guess? because it was reused technically?


Normal doesn’t have an ILvL requirement.

Must be an Alliance thing, because a ton of people still do normal dungeon finder.


Do a bit of Korthia and after one or two days you’ll massively outgear regular Spires. Alternatively offer gold for a run.

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It’s an alt. You can buy one 230 piece and a bunch of Korthian armaments and be roughly around 200. That’s more than enough for a Normal run.

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wait are we actually supposed to believe that getting to an ilvl sufficient to queue for a heroic dungeon is some sort of roadblock?

when there’s a pebble on the sidewalk, do you have a meltdown?


I just queued for a bunch of normals Alliance side for legendary memories. It took me roughly 10 minutes to get a group as DPS.


Better yet, they only need to run Normal.


As always seems to happen when this topic comes up, nothing about the responses in this thread makes me interested in doing group content.


This isn’t an issue of people being jerks. This just isn’t even an issue. If the OP would use the tools provided, they’d easily be an ilevel for Normal LFD queue. Which is an easy run.

If you base your opinion of group content on this forum, that’s a bad idea. This is roughly 1% of the playerbase and doesn’t represent how things go.

And if you ever need help, please feel free to add me to friends and poke at me. I’ll be a pocket healer for you. :slightly_smiling_face:


Even at high level, that is “probably could just solo it” I would do normals for callings, or for the dungeon quests from those two guys in the Oribos basement. Just easier, get to rampage through them, maybe help a lowbie out.

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