Kyrian campaign dungeon requirement even worse

I’ve never liked that Kyrian have to run Spires of Ascension to progress their covenant campaign. But up until now it’s been pretty much whatever on my alts. Well, alt, since I only have one Kyrian that’s past that point in the campaign (sorry, just not really into Kyrian, and my least played alts went that path).

Anyway, long story short, this alt now needs to do Spires to progress with the story and… she can’t. Group finder won’t let her due to gear. I might be able to get enough green trash out of the AH to get to normal level, but no one does normal so dungeon finder is useless for that. Have to get to heroic level gear.

‘Get a guild group’ you say. Yeah, in the past I would have. But when Blizz was revealed to be a sleazy trash fire of a company all of my guildies jumped ship to that other MMO, and I don’t blame them. And that’s my main Horde guild. This is an Alliance alt guild of the Horde guild so it never had many people on in the first place.

Maybe I can pay Mike to run me though?

Anyway, I hate this stupid roadblock in the Kyrian campaign and honestly we should be able to skip it by now. It’s pretty dumb newer alts like this one have to grind up a heroic level set of gear just to do the campaign story (and get probably lower level gear out of it). It’s killed my desire to play today so I’ll go do something else.


Just…queue for a normal or heroic Spires with LFG?

Then do literally anything to get a bit?


Maybe I should have put in a TL;DR?

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Leveling toons queue lfd plenty on normal. It takes 15min tops to get in, even for me on awkward timezones. Have you actually tried?


Yes. On my other alt yesterday. Finally just gave up waiting and switched to a heroic queue.

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Oof, even on the weekend?
Maybe you had that queue bug. Ive done normals of spire or halls on dps alts and never had to wait longer than 30min

(I think halls is needed for a medalion for venthyr?)

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Are people still crying about this over a year after release?

Holy shirt balls.

“Not really into Kyrian” i.e the literal lore specific covenant for Paladins.

Suck it up and respec. That’s the state the game is in, you have to if you don’t want to wait.


Castle Nath, but it’s not part of the campaign. You can get the full set of Venthyr armor without doing it.

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This is seriously such a moot ridiculous complaint.

The game has been designed at every level to be as ridiculously easy as possible to level an alt.

Go to Bastion or other zones and do world quests. They all give progressively higher ilvl gear as you level up. If you have to wait till 60 then that’s what happens - at which point you can just use Korthian armaments and guarantee you’re high enough ilvl.

I have literally 5 paladins and a Holy Priest and all of them are Kyrian. I’ve done the campaign on 4 of them and I’m sure there would be no issue with the rest to find a group.


I did the one world quest in all of the Shadowlands that offered gear already today.

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This isn’t true at all. Many people do them to level and for callings. There’s also timewalking right now. Comp stomp is coming next week.

At this point, the ball is in your court. :man_shrugging:

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  1. as it is for everyone else.
  2. this is your alt, so this isn’t a suprise to you and your outrage is completely fabricated for the sake of attention, i.e., trolling.

I remember people waiting a year to do mechagon and siege to unlock the allied races because they didn’t want to group with people.

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Only Kyrian have a ilvl dependent dungeon roadblock in their campaign.

I’m not outraged, surprised, or trolling. I’m just saying this is an annoying design and basically sucks for brand new alts.


That’s what this is. OP clearly just doesn’t want to group with others but is using the non-existent gear requirement as an excuse.


What is the ilev requirement, anyways? I forgot there was one because I’ve never seen it. Queue random normal on an alt is showing 80 or something which is…reasonable, I think?

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Group with me, bucko, right now. The gear requirement is real and I got no problem grouping. Hit me up, let’s go.


155 heroic. 144 regular. Both would be super easy to reach with the covenant gear, but you can’t get the covenant gear without doing Spires so…

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That seems…acceptable?

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The requirement iLVL is 144 for normal Spires. It is 155 for heroic spires.

You misunderstand. I’m not saying it isn’t real at all.

I’m saying that it is SO easy to get if you even put in a modicum of effort, that it might as well not be real at all.

-Comp Stomp
-Quests you didn’t finish while leveling up

All of this will get you the gear you need in a matter of hours. If you don’t want to do any of that, it’s on you.