Kyrian "among the kyrian" quest

Same here, Swapped from Venthyr Renown 6 to Kyrian, got renown 3 the same day I switched, next day got a quest for 1 more renown, now locked at 4 with 5 renown being the only way to progress the campaign, and only have the Torghast part of the Kyrian quests done, not looking forward to going into raid next week missing my 4th row

I’m having the same issue. I switched from Venthyr to Kyrian. It says Torghast is complete and I’m working on renown 6 rn. But thje Among the Kyrian is still showing as unchecked.


Same, I can’t pick up the quest after threads of fate :frowning:

Same thing here. I am stuck now at 3/9 chapters for kyrian. I must now earn renown 11 to continue the campaign. “Among the Kyrian” at the top is white while 2, 3 and 4 are green. Please fix this.

Exactly the same for me. 2, 3, and 4 are checked and green, but Among the Kyrian is still white.

Same here.

This is an issue for me as well, still bugged. I did not skip this and choose to do them and still it will not check off as complete. Please fix.

I just switched from necrolord to Kyrian and I have 2/9 chapters complete but that first chapter is still not market complete at renown 7. I didn’t skip the tour so I think it’s definitely got something to do with if you switched covenants.

I submitted a ticket - and after much back and forth and reopening, a GM contacted me in game and was able to fix it for me.

When you make your ticket, attach a screenshot so they can clearly see what the issue is.

also having issue where chapter 1 shows uncompleted but chapter 2 is completed, unable to progress further

Currently having this problem. 5/9/2022. How do you make a ticket because the support pages keep sending me in circles?

Patch 9.2: I too swapped from Nightfae to Kyrian. I hastily went straight to Elysian Hold without realising I was starting from 2/9. I went back to Oribos after getting to 3/9 in the Kyrian campaign and noticed Polemarch Adrestes had the a yellow exclamation mark with the “Among the Kyrian” quest. This allows you to join the Kyrian covenant and unlock your soulbind.
TLDR; Speak with Polemarch Adrestes in Oribos first to get the 1/9 quest.

you didnt understand, we know where to pickup the quest except its not showing up whatsoever, my warrior as of 3 days ago is renown 43 with Kyrian and still cannot unlock anything with Kyrian, I dont have any soulbinds, the mission table or anything

I have the same issue. I switched my DK to Kyrian, used the item that increases your renown to 60, picked up both the quest from Adrestes as well as from Bolvar in Oribos, completed the initial Adrestes quest that takes you to Elysian Hold, but then the only quests I have are the ones that make you fly around Elysian Hold meeting people and then the 1/9 quest. There is no quest to unlock soulbinds, which is probably because I’m at Renown 60 instead of 40, and instead I have to start from the 1/9 quest to unlock the Forge of Bonds. So I can’t pick a soulbind.

When I did this on other alts prior to 9.2.5 the Among The Kyrian quest was able to be completed as part of the bundle, and unlocking the Forge of Bonds and the soulbinds would get you from 40 to 46. Now there’s no option to do that at all. Is this intended or an oversight?