Kyrian "among the kyrian" quest

Adding my voice here - have this issue too after swapping from Venthyr to Kyrian. I also did not skip the tour. There’s a Support article that claims this was fixed, but I am still stuck at 1/9 and did not receive the gloves.

The article in question is here:

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I do be havin this issue

Same, switched from night fae to kyrian. Have renown 5, chapter 2 complete, but not chapter 1 and I have not received the campaign gloves reward.

Im having the same issue, switched from night fae to kyrian in the first week. Waited till after reset still no change, am now 2/9 and renown 6 but the first chapter is still marked incomplete.

Same for me, at least it’s not interfering in my character’s progression as I could get renown 6 and complete the third chapter but it’s still annoying and maybe will interfere with some achievement later. Still no response from blizzard though.

Adding myself to the list experiencing the issue.

Switched to Kyrain. Skipped the intro. Chapter 1 is incomplete and not showing up. Chapter 2 is complete.

Also having this exact issue. Switched from venthyr to Kyrian

repetition here. switched from venthyr to Kyrian

Same issue, first part of covenant campaign isn’t marked as complete. Switched from Necrolords to Venthyr.

I contacted blizzard about this. Their response was “check wowhead” or “try running the game without add-ons”

Same problem here, no answer given

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same issue

Same here, switched from venthyr to Kyrian and only torghast campaign done.

Same problem here too as usual “Go check wowhead” “we here at CS are too dumb and don’t care about your problems just give us money”

Still having this issue, but now it says 2/9 after the weekly reset and the new campaign chapter unlock. It doesn’t seem to be stopping me from proceeding with the story, but it still does not count as having completed it.

I have the same issue, i dont have among the kyrian but have the next 2 chapter completed, i did not receive the gloves. this is my 2nd pj.

Same here, don’t have the quest completion or the covenant mount.

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I am here to bump this thread so that somebody sees it

also having this issue, please can we get a blue update or support

i having the same problem here, i swap necro to kyrian and when i put skip intro, the chapter Among the Kyrian as incomplet