Kyrian "among the kyrian" quest

-“Fixed an issue where players aligned with the Kyrian Covenant who skipped the campaign quest “It’s All Coming Together” would not see the chapter “Among the Kyrian” as complete.”
i dont know for anyone else but for me this quest is still bugged.


I have the same issue. I can still reach renown 3, and the second chapter ‘Torghast’ is completed. But the first chapter is showing as not completed and 1/9.


I’m also having this issue. I’ll also note that I switched from Venthyr to Kyrian so I’m not sure if covenant swapping is causing the issue or not.


in the exact same boat.

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I also switched from NF to Kyrian and have this issue.

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I’m also having this issue. Switched from Necrolords to Kyrian, so I do think it has to do with covenant swapping.


Same, seeing 1/9 Kyrian Campaign Chapters complete with only “Torghast” checked, “Among the Kyrian” is not checked, but I do have the level 12 follower mission available on the table and it says “Earn Renown 5 to continue the campaign”. Switched from Fae to Kyrian and I selected the “skip the tour” option, I wonder if skipping the tour of Elysian Hold caused the issue?


Also having this issue. :\


Yea also having this issue and switched covenants to Kyrian

Same issue here. Changed Covenant to Kyrian as well. Pls fix Blizzy.

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Same issue here, switched from NF to Kyrian.

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forgot to mention i switched kyrian as well.

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I also have the same issue after switching to Kyrian.

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I’m hoping the fact that their initial attempt at fixing this being phrased as “would not see the chapter…as complete” means that this won’t affect our ability to continue on with the campaign tomorrow.

Im in the same boat. I swapped from Venthyr to kyrian. It says 1/9 with Torghast already completed and my anima reserves were gone as well from the last covenant.


I am also in the same boat. Switched from venthyr to kyrian, did NOT get the gauntlets, but am progressing in the torghast chapter. Among the kyrian is not completed.

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same for me blizzard fix your game please @blizzard @respond @fixbug @doesthismessupmyquestsIreceive @respondblizzard

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im having this issue too, i swap out venthyr for kyrian and i have the 1/9 complete but thorghast chapter is done.

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Same. Neco -> Kyrian. Cannot complete it :frowning:

Having the same problem but not through covenant changing, but through finishing the threads of fate. frustrating.