Kul'Tirans are stereotypes in their face. Not all big strong people have thumbs for a face

tldr: We need more attractive FACIAL options for Kul’Tirans. All of the current ones look like the most dumb, derpy, unintelligent thumbs I could think of.

I cannot imagine myself rolling one. You literally need to cover their entire face with the biggest beard option to even be bearable.

So Kul’Tirans are an unpopular race, no denying that. Sure they have their niche (bears is what we commonly call them) but the fact of the matter is they don’t have such a wide spread appeal.

So facts are, when I went to make a Kul’Tiran in the editor their faces were ALL thumb looking. There wasn’t a SINGLE good face option in there.

The “BEST” one even looked like the most dumb, derpy, unintelligent thumb I could think of. *These don’t look like heroes, these don’t even look like normal people.

Their facial options quite literally make them look like the dumb lumbering goon that an evil mastermind (as in SOMEONE ELSE) would sic on a hero in a Disney-villian-esque fashion.*

And I can say, as someone who is dating a 6’4 massive and muscular dude, that just because a guy is massive and strong does NOT mean that they look ugly. In fact his features are really pretty under his own beard.

We need more facial options for Kul’Tirans.

Or I will not roll one.

Sorry but this is unacceptable.


I am always in favour of more customization options, though I would be remiss if I did not point out that the game is not designed with a single style in mind. You need not play a Kul Tiran if you dislike their appearance, nor are you required to do so.

I like the faces for both, especially the lady options. I would adore to see more customization added to all allied races in the future.



I like their facial options but would be happy with more. I can’t help but wonder how much of the KT aesthetic displeasure is because their faces are chubby and meaty like their bodies.


I think that this is the worst part. I know tons of guys whos faces look normal even when they are a bit thicc. :frowning:

Well, the Kul Tiran male model is like a dock hand, swarthy sailor, power-lifter, as far as the inspiration. It’s a bit of a caricature.

It’s fine for what it is, but I can agree that some other options would be good.



Then don’t. Others enjoy them.

I don’t even know what this is supposed to mean.

No. They “literally” do not.

They’re this:

And there’s nothing wrong with that.

More options are great, but let’s not be so dramatic.


them lookin like goons is the best part imo


I like me them big beautiful women, KTs are QTs.


This post made me imagine the logical opposite of a Kul Tiran’s face, which resulted with the mental image of a Kul Tiran with a Blood Elf face, which is uhh, interesting.

But more seriously, yeah, they could use more face options. Really, face shape variety has been a big problem with all races since the WoD model revamp, which made all the face options look more similar due to more of the perceived shape coming from geometry instead of texture.


Oh lord… is that “big hairy man” crap?


I used to have a mog that showed my face and I looked fine. I was more of a gangsta Santa man at some point.

I don’t think it’s the face that needs to be changed, though I won’t say no to more customisation options.

For those wanting skinny/normal KT I’d probably root for them if Blizzard can make it a thing.

That’s what makes them awesome. Not everyone wants to play the handsome dashing hero.

I’d totally play a KTan if I wasn’t stuck on Horde. That’s primarily why I’m currently playing basically a furry KTan instead. xD

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We Elves have had these completely ridiculous EARS since forever: ALL elves, not just us Kal’dorei.
Live with it.

KT prototype


Are…those all the same face with an extra blemish somewhere?

I like the fact they look straight out of Popeye. I love Popeye.


perfectly acceptable to me

i like the ugly, rugged guy

not everyone needs to be pretty and attractive

the amount of people that roll BE is conversely proportional to the amount of people that wouldn’t roll KT

they’re niche and not for the weebs, and that’s fine


Basically yes, or that they have a giant hideous scar or something.

The thumbs from Spy Kids… my god you’re right…