Kul'Tirans are stereotypes in their face. Not all big strong people have thumbs for a face

Sometimes I really hate being right :frowning:

don’t be dissin my thumb boys alright

Kul’tirans are some big oafy lugs. They look the henchmen loan sharks would hire to break someones legs if they didn’t pay their loan.

I just want em to be pretty!

Brah, i’m handsome af.

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Kul Tirans sadly got a dose of the “sameface syndrome” everyone else had in WoD.

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More attractive male Kul Tiran faces.

More rugged female Kul Tiran faces.

Blizz, yes?


It sounds like Kul Tirans just aren’t your thing. I’d rather they not be pretty because we already have plenty of pretty races what with the 31 flavors of elves and what not. Looks are subjective and what you don’t like others love.

btw, Thank you for the bear reference. :grinning:

/ponders how to answer this…
/thinks better of it

How bout a link to the inspiration for the male Kul Tiran dance?


Now THAT’LL keep ya warm oh yah!
:beer: :beer: :beer:

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I totally forgot what I had posted and was wondering what your response was to until I scrolled up and burst out laughing.

Indeed, he will keep you warm at night. :smiley:

Cheers to you!!
:beer: :beer: :beer: :beer:


He is amazing for real tho lol.

But his face is WAY better than Kul’Tirans >:c adding to my point that Kul’Tirans are the WORST stereotype!

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/hides blatant bear transmog :flushed:


Hey, I love bears. They ARE my thing.

I just wish that the Kul’Tirans weren’t stereotypical goon looking in the face! I’m dating a 6’4 bear IRL and he’s one of the most pretty guys ever under that beard.

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I’m definitely understanding where you’re coming from now. Especially after watching the video. I would like a friendly face because they don’t all have to look like goons. :relaxed:

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I was gonna question the veracity of saying someone’s face looks like a thumb of all things, but that pic without hair does kind of make his head look like a thumb. Well played.