Kul'tiran Love & Customization Thread

Awful race that shouldn’t have been created, not when Vrykul exist and we could have gotten something better.

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Don’t be so harsh on Pandaren we’ve all moved on since MoP.

Self hate is so sad.


It is actually sad to see players actively clicking on a thread about celebrating something, and purposefully choose to instead bring negativity and resentment.

There are other places they could be expressing themselves, and they needn’t have replied knowing exactly what the thread was about.

I wish players just had more respect for one another.



Now now, no need to get nasty.

Now, personally, I’m not a fan of Vrykul. Nothing against those of you who do like them, I just don’t see the draw.

Aye, I’ve seen it in four separate Love threads so far. Always surprised when there are plenty of places to express that sort of opinion elsewhere on the forums.

Tides bless you, preach!


Ahem, I disagree.

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I’m so tempted to go hidden chest and booty shorts on a female


The heritage armour looks good on the female kultiran at least.


Representing my favorite allied race for this expansion. She’s the best! Love everything about them! Both male and female.


I have a few KT’s… FOR KUL’TIRAS :anchor:


I’m working on him but some times me and druid just don’t see eye to eye. :eyes:

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If you don’t like your job, you don’t strike! You just go in every day and do it really half-assed. That’s the Kul Tiran way!


Bit rude there, love


Flaunt it if you got it, I say.

Aye, Kul’tirans are under appreciated I think.


Pretty happy with my main here.


If I wasn’t at 48 characters on my main account, I’d make Kul Tiran male. It’s tied with Vulpera for my 2nd favorite allied race, behind the most magnificent race in the game, dark iron dorf.

If you all gather up in one place, the whole island will tip over and capsize.

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Sure thing congresswoman. ;). This isn’t Guam. LOL


Thats fine, lass. We can hold our breath.

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I agree. It would be nice if people could just say a race wasn’t their thing because looks are very subjective. I’m not a fan of how elves look and never have been. I don’t think they are ugly. Far from it. They simply aren’t my thing. I prefer big bulky things and elves are the exact opposite of that. lol I couldn’t imagine myself going around trashing elves and complaining there are essentially 6 variations in game. Every race doesn’t have to appeal to everyone. :smiley:


I look forward to unlocking Kul Tirans and I’ll be racechanging my Druid to one just as soon as I can. Love those wicker forms.

I do wish the females were just a bit different, though. I think bringing their waists in just a bit and giving them a bigger rack would go a long way to making their forms look more heroic. Definitely the choices in faces could use some increased variety, but I hope that’s coming with the customization overhaul. We’ll see.

…in any case, I’m a fan of the KTs, looking forward to having one.