That’s why I made a druid myself!
I love the Kul Tiran design so much, they currently have the most detailed face of any race I’ve seen; even their eyes sparkle with life. I also adore the Strong(wo)man physique of the models, though I admit the ladies could use a touch-up.
I’m levelling another Druid for both the heritage armour and the wicker forms, I’ve been a Night Elf for so long I just can’t switch to another race. I tried and it just felt super awkward not having Shadowmeld, or seeing my pointy ears. So I made a new Druid, and I’m having a blast!
I love how kul tiran only look good in their heritage armor
Sarcasm aside I only love the druid forms
Urgh I can’t imagen a race that wouldn’t stink like fish 24/7.
You… you know that foxes smell absolutely terrible, right?
Yea but we’re smaller.
Kultirans are big lumbering brutes like Ogres.
Harder to get rid of and more noticeable.
Oh, well I see. Mr. Cranky Fox today are we? (teasing)
Betcha they eat more than Pandaren too.
I don’t like the female
They could have made one pretty face
The males however I love. Especially when they hide their chest piece it looks amazing
Strong(wo)man in real life eat massive quantities of food in order to build up fat around their organs for protection when they they lift or perform; so we could theorize that a Kul Tiran at least has a vested interest in eating large meals.
I really wish Kul Tirans weren’t the race Blizzard put the most effort into. All that work and nobody even likes them, lol. Should have put more time and effort into all the other ARs instead.
I have yet to see a good female Kul’Tiran transmog and I really wanna see if it’s possible.
its not, although you can pretend they aren’t fat and maybe they will look good.
I mean male Kul’Tiran are kinda pudgy and Pandaren are pretty plump as well and I’ve seen some good transmogs on them. I don’t think the weight is the issue. I just think not enough people play female Kul’Tirans for there to be good transmogs honestly.
yea but thing is Pandaren females are thicc, while Kul’Tiran females are just plain fat…
I’m sorry but that’s just like the default shaman gear I’m not really impressed.
I mean it looks good but honestly it would look good on any race.
or better, probably better…
But you’re wearing a robe to cover them up, it does nothing for your thicc thighs, girl.
I think many of the Kul’tirans I’ve seen look great.
Hey now. I probably smell like incense and other ritual reagents…
… And a little fish.
Oh by the tides! I forgot they have glands that smell pretty bad don’t they?
I am no brute. I’ll have you know I’m quite refined.
Sadly… No. I lost that bet.
Let’s hope with AR customization pass they’ll add plenty.
Wow what’s with all the mechagnomes hating on folk the last few days?
Thought you folk would understand that’s not cool.