Kul'tiran Love & Customization Thread

Well shipmate, I’d rather think that we Kul Tirans can become Warlocks but as a whole we avoid that sort of magic. We have enough problems to deal with, witches, undead, old gods that we don’t need to add the Fel to that maelstrom.

Calm waters friend


Honestly I’m surprised we can be mages. Jaina had to leave home to learn that kinda heeby jeeby.

Few of us around in a drought eh?

Where are my mates at?

To each their own I guess, though you don’t have to say it.

Its a love thread not a bash thread.

I do like the female faces though. So agree with you there.

Wouldn’t want it any other way.

pats belly

sorry, you’re right. My criticism was unwarranted in this thread, i’ll delete that post.

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Farming that rep to have a Kul Tiran fury Warrior for Shadowlands

When the xpac (SL) drops, i’ll get the KT rep done and unlock them, but my girl KT is going to be a feral druid, and Never. Leaving. Catform. Ever.

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But you’re fat and thats gross

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Personally I’d rather have a fat character than just another blood elf, but that’s just my opinion. I hope you like your character.


I have them unlocked. I just don’t know what class to pick. :pensive:

I absolutely love their face options though! :anchor:


Here’s my Kul Tiran that I’ve been trying to gear up: https://worldofwarcraft.com/en-us/character/us/kilrogg/hyperballad

Someone called me “Shakeesha” yesterday. I guess a fat black woman attracts that sort of thing. :frowning: But named her Hyperballad from my favorite Bjork song. But I love playing her.

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her face is beautiful, i just dont see why they need to be obese…
the males (just imo, i know there are bears out there ready to pounce, no pun intended) especially look awful

Google what a ‘Strongwoman’ looks like, than go meet one and call her obese. Extra credit if you record the whole encounter live.

I appreciate that but you don’t have to delete it. Not everyone is gonna like our more… Full look and that’s ok.

I’m sorry I jumped on you myself if’n I’m being honest.

You won’t need the rep, just the story beats.

Story beats is all you’ll need.

OK this is just rude… You pencil.

Mmm what kind of story you think you’re interested in?

She’s a beautiful woman!

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I really loved unlocking them with that whole Shaman ship builder story. That was the best Kul Tiran character. I just don’t know if I’ll enjoy shaman. I’d like to give Enhancement a try but I have no idea if it’s a decent spec or not.

Also love the tidesage stuff!

They’re still fat, regardless of their ability to commit violence. :wink:

I don’t mind their weight, I just wish they didn’t add a thigh gap. It makes her look extremely bulky because then her legs don’t go inward to create a shape to her thighs/butt.

If you really look at a female Kul Tiran, they’re not fat. Look at their stomach. It’s barely poking out. They’re just big and muscular. Even their arms are muscular. They literally have big bones/skeleton structure.

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Sure, Champ.

hey,l im pan - im attracted to all kinds of people. This is just the only type I"m NOT attracted to, the large belly ones. but to each their own, to be sure :wink:

What does sexuality have to do with you not knowing how body mass index works?