Kul'tiran Love & Customization Thread

I love them so much!!!

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We have so much to love, really.

Thank you friend.

Do you think the Earthen Ring takes on Kul’tirans?

Yay Kul’tiran, my favorite Alliance AR :smiley:


One of the best allied races in the game.

  • Best laugh animation.

  • Best 2h weapon animation.

  • Best heritage armor.

Unappreciated by the alliance populace.

  • Should be a Horde allied race.

E’s the guy dat builds da boat and I’s the guy that buys it!

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If they had their own unique animation skeleton or whatever i’d be more interested.

I’m pretty sure you guys use the pandaren cast animation. Really let me down.

I love kultirans.

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Working on it! But it’ll kinda be a little while.

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I love haymaker, what better way to give the middle finger to anyone than to fist them off a cliff or death pit.

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Best laugh best 2handers, best heritage?

Aye aye and aye.

Not so sure bout being Horde… We kinda have a chip on our shoulder about that.

Still I appreciate the thought friend!

According to the devs we’re unique actually. It’s why we took extra time.

Take yer time. Journeys the better part an all that.

Don’t rush it.

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That’s depressing. Nothing really stands out.

To each their own I guess.

I rather like our casting and weapon stances.

Such is life and the sea.


Ahh. The sea.


My ship arrived late. Is there any cake left?


There’s always cake. Boralus has very good bakeries just outside the palace.

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After getting to spend several months with the Kul Tiran model, I have to say that they are hands down the best Allied Race that came out of BfA. No contest, all aboard!



Say what you want about me, but Kul Tiran women have the most beautiful feet in this game yet. It’s the reason I use open toe sandals.


I was hanging around the Island Expedition table and there’s always a Kul Tiran guard there. I just kept staring up at him, dreamily. lol


My only beef is how come Kultiran can not become warlocks…

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