Kul Tiran Women - Big girls can't be pretty Blizz?

My problem with Kul Tiran females is how round they are. They are ridiculously round. There are other, less round and a little smaller, body models on Kul Tiran NPC currently in the game.

That is not accurate. What we find to be attractive differs between cultures and throughout time. When humans began practicing agriculture, being overweight was considered attractive. It meant you were wealthy because you had food to spare and didn’t have to do the hard physical labor like the majority. When humans were hunter-gatherers, being physically fit and strong but also with some excess weight was probably considered the most attractive since it meant you could also survive food shortages during seasonal changes. Now we have a plethora of calories and few of us need to do constant physical labor, so it’s extremely easy to gain weight, so we consider those who work extra hard to restrict calories and also exercise in free time as the most attractive. Attraction has proven to be fairly subjective. The only constant seems to be those who are “exceptional” at beating the given odds that are found to be most attractive. I’m not fat so I’m not being biased here, just sharing things I learned in college (I was an Anthro major).


This was the same design process for blood elves.

I disagree

Okay, but you can’t disagree with historical facts.


OP, I didn’t open up the Kul’Tirans nor do I plan to, but I did go and check out the faces and hairstyles on the females. Some are horrible, but there are some that are very pretty. I think you have a Hollywood idea of beauty.

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Similar shapes to the dwarf.

You did a really nice job outfitting your rogue. Very attractive and she doesn’t appear chunky. :heart_eyes:

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Thanks! :+1:

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Well, this thread made me go look at the female Kul Tiran models, and I have to say I completely disagree with the OP. I think the faces are just fine. They look plenty feminine to me–not at all like a male face with no facial hair. I’m not really into the scarred options, but lore-wise those make perfect sense.

I guess it’s a case of eye/beholder.


Why are you shaming dudes in drag? They’re just as attractive as fat chicks to just as many people.

They look like steroid taking female bodybuilders. That’s my first impression. A trace of female in the face, but not much.

Don’t you know that we now live in a world that glorifies obesity as beautiful?


Who ye callin’ round, knife ear?

A very small minority of Draenei/Elf lovers apparently can’t sleep at night because Kul’Tiran are tall.


Where is it glorified? On Twitter? That’s the only place I can think of.

Every big magazine, TV show, movie and runway is about that size 2.


I dislike how TK girls look because they don’t look STRONG, they look weak. I’d be fine with tall, fat, strong looking women. But these ones look flabby and out of shape.

The world of WARcraft is not a place for “realistic” bodies that look like they have “realistic” office jobs where they sit all day and can’t run up a flight of stairs.

You really are walking into a wall.

Why does that ‘argument’ only apply to females? Precisely the same argument could be raised against males; and indeed precisely the same argument could be levelled for being only one option, regardless of what it is (as in why is it X not Y).

There’s a reason it’s one body shape for each race and sex, and that’s because they don’t want to put in the work to have sliders or more options. Now, given there’s only one-- doesn’t it make sense to use an average BMI type figure, one that is generally observed with people who lead very active lifestyles?

 and therein lies my issue with the Kul Tiran ‘race’. It screams of everything wrong in gaming these days, which is ‘creative’ designs being just as much based on current social/political matters rather than just pure artistic expression.

Ok, I figured out what annoys me about the KT faces. They’re looking over your head. Every other race, on the Char Select Screen, are “looking at you”, not the KT. Not even in game. Their head/gaze is set too high. Gives a slight space cadet vibe.

Really bugs the crap out of me when people say fat is ‘realistic’, implying thin/fit is ‘unrealistic’. It’s just not true.