Kul Tiran Women - Big girls can't be pretty Blizz?

The faces on some of them isn’t in proportion to their bodies though. Their faces are morbidly obese, whereas, their body shape really isn’t.

Which of their faces do you consider morbidly obese? None of them are…I would just like to know what your definition for “morbidly obese” consists of…


there are ones with cheeks that are extremely pudgy and their eyes are tiny in relation.

No that’s exactly what she was saying. She literally said, the current body types in game aren’t realistic. Ok, let’s look at those that could represent someone in real life:

Night Elf - fit, athletic. Many people in real life have great physiques and would fit into this in real life. These are people that work very hard to stay fit and build muscle mass. Either just as a means to stay fit and feel good about themselves, or because they are athletes or have another occupation that causes them to need to stay very fit.

Human - these are to be quite honest, the average woman. Curvy, has some body fat, is somewhat aware of eating healthy and staying fit but doesn’t put too much effort into it. Definitely more soft and round then they could be but still within the range of healthy/normal.

Blood/Void Elf - your average slim and/or petite female. Many women are naturally slim and many more try hard to eat well and stay fit. These are your average “fit” women - who don’t go above and beyond to build heavy muscle mass like the athletes of the NE body type but do want to feel and look good. There are a lot of women out there like this naturally without much effort.

All of the above are what I would consider normal, realistic, and healthy bodies. There’s nothing wrong with them and they represent a lot of Western women. I assume they don’t represent OP and she thus considers them “unrealistic”. But they are very much realistic - just because you don’t like them, doesn’t mean they aren’t representative.

Kul’Tiran women represent another segment of Western women, sure. But they’re not ALL. Just some, like the other races are.


Those faces are about as wide and round as Iskra Lawrence who is of comparable shape - albeit in some ways more fit than the Kul’Tiran women.


the about is the issue - it is close enough for you, for me it is out of proportion.

I don’t know, I think some of the female faces are attractive (for video game models).

Plus, they can be redheads :slight_smile:


The eye>nose>mouth ratio is the same on all of the models. Not sure how you are seeing some with “tiny” eyes. There is one that has slightly more rounded cheeks (mostly that’s just shading), but I’m still not seeing any greatly skewed proportions…


People need to stop acting like Kul Tirans aren’t the chungus race

I haven’t unlocked them yet so I really can’t compare, just saw some around that were to me as described.

They aren’t meant to be pretty. They are a comedy race :o kinda like the pandas.


Is having every. single. woman. be that exact body type depending on that race realistic? OP even asked to forgive for saying something along the lines of “realistic”. I’m glad they added a more chubby version

of the humans, but it’s the face that I don’t get. Obese woman and ugly face do NOT go hand in hand.

You consider them to be synonyms, they’re not. They are close, but they are not the same.

OP meant something along the lines of “Video games are not real life, but having a touch of it is nice”. Sometimes perfectly normal isn’t realistic. Why is the realistic arguement even here.


Gnomes do that, and their strength, speed, and martial powers can’t be enough good with that tiny size. This is a fantasy game, we don’t need always being realistic. And if we want go to reality, there is a fat guy who is very succesfull in MMA, who defeat guys with really good shape and athletyc bodys. Google Butterbean MMA Fighter.

No, she said: “I LOVE that Blizzard finally put some body styles that are, and please forgive this in a video game, realistic”. By knowing how large women thinks (and i know a large woman who is very close to me) what they are trying to say with that is that exist other realities, and show others realities makes things more realistict. Because of that the large bodytype it’s more realistic, not because it’s the only reality, but because bring us some information or images about reality that were skiped.


Thicc women can definitely be hot.

Kul Tiran women are thicc.

Kul Tiran women are also not hot.

C’mon Blizz…


Are you asking for Blizz to add a body type choice to character creation? That’s a different conversation than what were having here. Blizz doesn’t offer different body types for any race just because it’s easier. That’s not what OP is saying.

I don’t think Kul’Tiran women have ugly faces. They have rounder, bigger faces because they have rounder, bigger bodies. But I think they have honestly quite pretty features.

Because OP brought it up…?

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It seems I have touched off on something that needs some clarification. When I said that Blizz finally put in some body styles that were more realistic I meant that in comparison to the Night Elves (athletic and fit) Blood Elves (Haughty and slightly snobby but still fit) Human(Non-KT) (stereo-typical western woman of today fit but not overly so) that they have included a plus sized avatar. When I said “in a video game, realistic” I was anticipating a backlash that video games aren’t real life. Nothing more… nothing less. I was just trying to show that I understand this is just a game not real life.

All I would like to see from this is some more options being made available. I can’t see how that should be a big problem, even if some of us think the model is perfect as is.

Only in open discussion without judgement on each other can issues be resolved, I appreciate everyones opinion.


“Ugly” face is a bit subjective. Clearly, not everyone thinks they are ugly.

Also, the portion the OP asked to forgive about using “realistic” wasn’t in relation to them using the word or about them implying that other body types weren’t “realistic”, but was rather apologizing for the implication that anyone should expect realism in a video game. Which you clearly understand from your last comment, so using that as an argument is kind of silly…

I believe what she was alluding to is that it’s not realistic to believe that all girls are skinny.


I don’t think I agree with you. I just took a look at your character’s profile pic, and I think she’s pretty hot.

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Me too! I don’t see the issue. There are more pretty faces for them then there are for dwarf females, which have a TON of ugly going on and only two nice faces.

Why do people whine about the the smallest things? Its an MMO, fantasy, not like we’re building real physical being here… its a GAME. Why do people forget that???