Kul Tiran Women - Big girls can't be pretty Blizz?

i love BBW im

Humans are about 6 feet tall, Draenei tower over humans and Kul Tirans are a tiny bit taller than Draenei, if I had to give an average height to Kul tirans it would be about 7 6 - 7 8
But yes draenei males are 7 5 but the females are only about 7 on average
you can look it up if you would like to edumacate yourself

tbh i feel similar to the gnome model update.

originally I had a cute smiling face.

update model has all angry looking faces :confused:

“I support diversity in women’s appearances as long as they’re diverse in a way I personally like.”

I see you.

they pirates

I will resist arrest till the end.

I mean to each their own but I thought they looked fierce.

The current tough and burly fishermen looking kul tiran males do not look like they belong to the same race as the chubby grocery shopper mom looking females.

Of course big people can’t be pretty. We have to continue that old, tired trope of reinforcing the notion that fat people - no matter who they are or what they contribute to society - don’t deserve nice things if they aren’t physically attractive.

EDIT: grammar

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I think, for the most part, that they are just supposed to be big, weather beaten, rough looking people. Nothing more, nothing less, no social agenda at work here.


I can’t be a hero in real life… So I’m going to stand up for imaginary fat ugly people in a video game world.

I still have this manual, jesus this thing is huge, lol

I saw one that looked like Amy Schumer


Not entirely true.

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I think I look fabulous! Smoky eye shadow and all!


It’s getting a bit old now trying to label big people as “realistic”, more people are slim than overweight so if anything fat people are the unrealistic ones.

This is not true if you’re in America. Like I already said, the national average for women is size 14 to 16 which is definitely not slim.

I don’t think they are that bad, I mean they definitely are not a Belf but that is an unrealistic expectation.

Could definitely use a softer/more cheerful option? Seems to only be one that isn’t really a scowl or a scarred up face - and that one doesn’t really look happy either.

LOVE the hairstyles/hair color choices though.

Not everyone is pretty, not all their face options are ugly. Options are good.

Besides that all, beauty in the eye of the beholder etc.

Pretty sure that Blizzard said that human males in-game were 6ft. So you can gauge the heights of the other races off of that.

No, I can’t remember where I read that but it was in a manual or on a wow wiki or… something.