Kul Tiran Women - Big girls can't be pretty Blizz?

Saying “I don’t find you pretty” is not criticizing. Saying that big women are not pretty solely because they are big is body shaming.

I’d start a relationship with her and let it grow old, stale, and eventually break up like every other girl ive ever dated. Don’t see what the big deal is

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Careful OP, you’ll hurt the art team’s feelings, just like skipping world content via portals or flying :roll_eyes:

I don’t see the KT females as having overly mannish faces, but I do think it’s weird that Kul’tirans, who have not been separate from the other humans for that long historically, have apparently been so genetically divergent…lol

But they’re not?

If you want a hot redhead, may I suggest a blood elf? Way better than a Kul Tiran.

Wow, your lady kul’tiran looks great.

Women are held to a higher standard of beauty in society, I guess. It’s almost like men are expected to be ugly and masculine.

To answer your question: no, fat girls can’t be pretty.

9 out of 10 fat people are fat because they are A) lazy, B) gluttons, C) a combination of A and B. Anyone who possesses those qualities is not attractive.


I find it hilarious and scary and down right repulsive to see dudes playing chick toons in the game who also have chick names. What are you hididng???

At least play a chick who has a bad a$$y vibe to it. Like me.

Those face edits were awful. They made them look angry and masculine.

She is ACTUALLY “thicc”. Notice she’s bigger, but has a figure and no beer gut? Fem Kow’tirans are just obese.

Compared to weathered and hardened look the males got in design the women just look soft and unworked with a scar added here or there to make up for it. If you wanted realistic proportions you didnt get it. The men LOOK like they work hard doing physical labor with high endurance all day then drink heavily and eat starchy foods till they pass out.

The women look weak in comparison, no visible arm strength, soft features, and lax way of standing. We see and hear about them doing amazing things in game but their design doesnt show it.


Do I have a bad a@@ vibe?

Fat isn’t pretty.

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I’d be fine with it if their faces looked less soft and more like a rugged sea folk like they are supposed to be. Don’t really care about the body types.

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Imagine having an actual character creator in WoW like any MMO these days is expected to have with tons of options and sliders so issues like this don’t exist xD

Just cover your ugly face with a helmet or mask, possibly a paper bag

The SJW police would like to have a word with you, sir. Pixel fat shaming is highly illegal now.

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I wouldn’t say they are ugly. I just wish they’d look more serious. I prefer the fan-made models I saw.

Seeing a human druid is super weird though…

They are realistic to a point… but lets be real here most of the models with maybe the exception of dwarves and gnomes look like they’re all anorexic

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Are you a muricans? They’re realistic if you visit McDonalds so often.