Kul Tiran quest done but wont unlock

Have done the Kul Tiran quest line, and it shows I have done it. However when I try to create one it show’s I dont have a char 40 (yup… yup I do).
And I have not done the quests to unlock… Yet any of my above 40 character’s I get on shows I have done the quest and there is nothing I can do… Any help would be awesome. Thanks

Well, it doesn’t show as unlocked in your achievements.

I’m not sure which quest you think should unlock this. Can you link it?

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From what I can see you started the quest line for the Kul Tiran, but it doesn’t look like you completed it, Macnda.

The last quest you completed in that line was Balance in all Things. The next quest is Summons from Dorian.

Make sure you have Low Level Quests checked in your tracking.


Got it, thanks Vrakthris

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