Kul tiran death knights

I love the setting your own Death Gate (Vulpera style). Why do you think they are different? They seem to be listening to Bolvar now after the Legion story quest. Although it does make more sense for the Allied races to be more “faithful” or loyal to Bolvar.

You’re chosen by Bolvar but you could RP it as Arthas era if you wanted. Jaina was his GF, so in a way it’s lore compliant.

I know it’s a necro but it is an interesting discussion. I disagree with this point because I am pretty sure that Bolvar is way more powerful than Arthas.

First in life Bolvar was a War Hero while Arthas was a moody teenager.

Than Arthas got corrupted by the jailer without him realizing it while Bolvar resisted Sylvanas and the Jailer’s influence.

Pretty sure that the AR DK are way more powerful lore wise than the previous ones

Also, Kul Tiras was directly involved in the Second and Third Wars. It’s silly to believe that there weren’t some buff Kul Tirans rezzed as the original DKs by Arthas.

Bolvar was the stronger Paladin in life and had left his moody angst years behind him but being the lich king probably didn’t have a lot of paladiny stuff going on there. Well, other than the fervent beliefs that got them into their respective situations in the first place.

There wasn’t much of Arthas left in his power-up as it was mostly the helm and sword and he was overwhelmed. Bolvar was in a constant battle of wills, resisting the domination Arthas had fallen to, and only had the helm to draw on. So Bolvar definitely had the stronger will but given the lich king’s power isn’t something they taught in paladin school I’m not sure that really matters so much.

Arthas had Frostmourne. I don’t believe Bolvar was tons weaker than Arthas (as the LK), but greatly I doubt he was any stronger. And I definitely do not buy the notion that he was a more powerful paladin - not even for an instant.

IMO, Arthas was at least Turalyon-level in terms of raw pally power - that’s what made him such a terrifying Death Knight, and such an ideal host for/as the Lich King. They could have seduced any pally to be their vessel for the Helm of Domination - Arthas was chosen for a reason. I’m pretty sure Kel’thuzad even tells Arthas something to that effect in Warcraft III.

We have no idea how strong Arthas would have ended up because that never happened. He was co-opted before he could get the same years and experience under his belt that Bolvar had. My take away though is that will and faith are a major part of paladins and Arthas was successfully tricked by the helm but Bolvar was having none of it.

I’m still waiting for Drust Paladins