Kul tiran death knights

Hi I’m considering pre-ordering SL for the option to make a kul tiran death knight but I don’t know how they make sense in lore. Did they become death knights before we killed the lich king?

No, all the allied races are initiated by Bolvar (or whatever his name is) and pretty much just swear alliance to him, then moved on.


While you can RP it however you want, the Kul Tiran DK specifically was brought back by Bolvar because of the coming conflict with death. That is why you are a veteran of the 4th war. You do not even have access to the 3 unique DK skins which indicates you are very fresh.

That being said, you can have died whenever you want to have died.


Cool factor >>> lore

Lore is overrated as a restriction anyway.


So they are revived by him? How does he pick and choose who gets revived? Just trying to make sense of it.

listen if you have to ask then don’t

i don’t need KT brethren out there wavering ok, just dive into the deep end and stay there

Unique DK skins? Huh?

You mean…rotten?

Yea not sure what 'unique dk skins" are, unless that’s something entirely new that I never knew about.

Dk’s get unique skins for every race.
The AR’s dont have unique skins

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Um the ARs have paler skins and blue glowing eyes too, what’s ‘unique’ about the others?

This raises a question. Shouldn’t Death Knights raised by Bolvar be weaker than Death Knights raised by Arthas?

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The AR DKs may not get unique DK skin options, but they have their own AR skin options that are unique from their base counterparts.

considering they are getting level squished they will be!


DKs of normal races have more rotten looking skins that ARs don’t.

For example, this Draenei DK skin:


It isn’t mentioned in detail. But we can assume he was keeping watch on us during the 4th war and picked out people he felt were skilled fighters or capable candidates. Strong spirits who would keep fighting even in undeath.

Then behind the scenes his Scourge agents or the Ebon Blade would swoop in and nab their corpse to bring back to Icecrown.

I know Arthas death knights were motivated partially by revenge/loyalty to the Alliance/horde after the lich king abandoned them. What are Bolvar death knights motivated by?

They do not have any unique DK skins.
All skins on the ARs to my knowledge, are the same between their DKs and the rest.
only eyes change


I don’t see why not. They were around the world when undead were attacking, they could have been attacked by scourge on the shore at some point.

Unlike Arthas, Bolvar isn’t really controlling them, nor are they wanting revenge. In the new death knight intro he basically said you’re duty is to defend Azeroth and whatever else you want to do. Becoming a death knight is an honor and a curse, just deal with it and do your thing.

In other words, as a Bolvar raised death knight you’re pretty free to find your own path. They’d probably be much the same as they were in life with their previous loyalties and interests. But now they have an additional calling to the Ebon Blade. He raised them to shore up Azeroth’s defenses against the coming Shadowlands problems.