Kul tiran death knights

So when you roll a DK, you have 3 unique dead skins that only they can use. Pale, Green, and Rotten. All except forsaken and the new DKs.

I don’t see why the new DKs cant have this and anyone who picks Maldraxxus should be able to have these too, maybe with red eyes (since the blue ones are taken by the DKs.

They may be able to come shadowlands

They’re stronger than the raised-by-Arthas Death Knights WE play. The original race DKs were just cannon fodder.

On a side note I think AR DKs should get their own place to Death Gate to. Nothing complex, it’s just that there’s not much reason for them to be on the Acherus. Give’em one of the halls in Icecrown. Maybe give original-race DKs the option to set it as their Death Gate location if they complete the Legion DK story.

According to…?
Arthas was a significantly more powerful Lich King than Bolvar was, and he raised his DK’s through his own power accordingly.

all of my death knight characters prior to 2012 have died to those fleeing villagers in their starting area. and to that dude in the basement. but at least Uncle Arthy raised them a third for the charm

That does seem to be the Blizzard story department stance on things, at least.

No one cares about the lore, the lore is all over the place stop being weird and just make your Kul tiran dk. Let’s be honest… you’re gonna buy shadowlands eventually anyway

Fresh KT DK here. May our enemies tremble.

They kind of gloss over it, simply saying “we need more troops, so we made you into a DK”

Yeah, no longer are you veterans of old. You’re the current day heroes who died in battle.

I created a mechagnome, and that’s the story. Literally “we need to bolster our ranks, join us.” and that was about it.

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For my own headcannon. I consider that he fell in naval battle vs the zandalari during one of the raids on Kul Tiras. I imagine the new lich king sending his Val’kyr to scout for bloodthirsty, warlike individuals. As his spirit was leaving for the shadowlands he was given the chance to return to Azeroth and continue his war so long as he swore his soul to the Lichking Bolvar. His sunken body was whisked off to Northrend where he was animated and knighted as a Champion of Acherus.


I always found this a bit of an oxymoron formed point, thinking that lore restricts creativity when already piggybacking off an established IP. Instead of being creative with the resources or assets you have at your disposal, just ignore them and do what you wanted. Comes off a bit lazy and trying to create a spectacle instead of actually being creative.


Good for you.

Racquel here, and ooooh okay thanks. I see what you mean now, yeah Lunarblood here uses the green skin. Goes great with her hot pink hair and rose-tinted Engineering Goggles (it’s the Cranial Cannon from Legion)

But the AR DKs get the shiny new swords for mogs as well as PANDAS!



I won’t lie, I’m kind of bummed that the line questioning whether your will is really your own or if you’ve been manipulated led nowhere because Bolvar never fully got to embrace his role of the Lich King. The Four Horsemen of Bolvar, the questions about free will, none of that went anywhere.

Don’t question it. Just roll one, so you too can look like a merciless juggernaut.

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I don’t think it was meant to go anywhere. We control the DK so clearly our will is our own. The line was just meant to paint the Lich King in a grey area; is he friend or foe?

They only downside to a Kul Tiran DK is that if its your first KT, you can’t wear the heritage armor. And I really wanted that Davy Jones, Sheppard of the souls lost at sea “look.” Alas, it wasn’t to be.

Eh… It’s not like Kul’tiras was some sort of isolationist hermit country like so many others - there were probably thousands of Kul’tirans out and about in the world around the same time as Arthas was minting the original DKs. This was/is the preeminent maritime power in WarCraft - sailors from the admiralty could easily be found anywhere a ship can dock.

Sure, none of them were the “big fat” versions, but… those are essentially a retcon anyways.

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You control the DK during the intro sequence but the implication is that you are being controlled by the Lich King. You torture and kill civilians on the Lich King’s behalf. Unless you’re a total edge-lord who wants to roleplay being a serial killer, you are playing a character who doesn’t have control of his actions. Like when Teron Gorefiend takes your body and you have to fight his jailer.

The point is that there is supposed to be some doubt whether your own actions are truly what you believe is best, or whether the idea was implanted within your mind against your will by Bolvar.

But as mentioned, it led nowhere as Bolvar is no longer The Lich King so it is a moot point.