Why are you adding extra stuff I never asked for?
Where is Blizzard’s official post that this is an intended change?
Why are you adding extra stuff I never asked for?
Where is Blizzard’s official post that this is an intended change?
Let’s assume this is intended and Blizz wants this based off score and not an account wide achievement. That means it’s not a bug but intended. However, whether it’s a bug or not, intended or not, it’s a bad change. It doesn’t matter if there are 6 tiers instead of 3, you’ll still hit a brick wall on alts for gearing. You could get KSM on a main and then run low level M+ for valor on alts which helps you out for your alts and helps out other players who are just getting into M+ as there are more available low keys to run.
If Blizzard did actually design this to work off the score and not the achievement for upgrade unlocks, I sincerely hope they change it back. Doubling the amount of work just to get KSM and then making alts also have to slog though that work feels bad.
I agree that it’s not a great change but let’s be honest, while it was handy being able to use the achievement to upgrade your alts mythic+ gear it never really made sense. The conquest system doesn’t work like that, so really why should the PvE version of it.
You can see in game at the upgrade vendor that is uses the new mythic+ score. I am sure the OP noticed that on his alt.
How didn’t it make sense? Because it was slightly easier than PvP? Those are two different game modes, they don’t have to mirror each other. Valor also had a cap that throttled you from gearing up said alts so it’s not like you could get KSM in week 2 and then have all your alts at 246 gear.
In any case you and I probably won’t agree on this point so there’s no point in discussing it further. I respect your opinion but I just don’t agree with it which is fine. Ultimately I’m just here to express my displeasure with this change. Just one more thing that Blizz has done that will edge players closer and closer to hitting that unsubscribe button.
The real kicker is that Blizzard likely expects the playerbase to think this will devalue carries and make them less popular and prominent, while they and we know full well it’s just going to sell more carries to the actual market for such things, just like how the new PvP requirements simply mean the folks serious about buying their way up will just buy an additional one-win rated carry after collecting the Honor to do the desired upgrades.
Call me pessimistic or cynical, but I’m suspecting the root of the problem is that it may, in fact, no longer be financially viable (in reality or perception) to run a major modern long-term persistent online game without the existence of a class that pays several times the basic cost of entry on a regular basis (i.e., the whale class). The subs, by themselves, seem not enough, especially with competition more or less permanently freezing them at 2004 levels.
Most newer games opened the valve in some kind of form that leaves a certain level of honest expectation for the player (e.g., you play an Asian grinder, you expect that it will be a uphill both ways in the snow slog if you don’t do at least some swiping; FFXIV brings in a pretty penny meanwhile from habitual Fantasia users, and I’ve known a number of folks who go through several a month). Unfortunately, rightly or wrongly, the WoW playerbase pretty much rejected every other potential option for additional monetization the game could support (we didn’t want cash shop cosmetics to take over, for instance, unique mounts on the shop raise ire - plus with account wide mounts, they’re only a temporary influx at best, and for various reasons over time appearance change outside of race change completely moved from a cash to a gold based service).
This leaves the WoW Token and Character Boosts as Blizzard’s only dependable sources of ongoing non-subscription income, and the only way those work as such, is if there’s a consistent reason for players to need to spend large amounts of gold (hi frustrating endgame culture encouraging so many boost sales - especially in PvP, which is all but insurmountable after the first weeks without boosts due to gear differences; hi sky high legendary prices, complete with S2 legendary crafting effectively economically limited to the already established crafter base from S1 instead of fully new recipes for a new tier like BFA), or to have to reroll characters and need a boost to catch up to the curve fast enough to reasonably play that season (hi shifting meta that throws entire classes under the wheels e.g., the fate of Hunters and melee DPS in SL).
I wish the situation was better, but I expect the community may be simply desperately trying to wool over our eyes on this topic (both due to sunk costs, and because of a paucity of viable places to move on to in the present industry).
The same is also true for rated PvP, there is a weekly cap upon conquest and honor points. So you couldn’t do the above in PvP either…
Isn’t this kind of like letting you upgrade LFR gear to heroic as long as your main has aotc?
Korra gear is 233 when capped, though you have to also grind all that crap for it, laaame.
Here’s the issue…I had KSM effectively on 3 toons last season. With this change if not fixed I’m simply dropping my other toons and parking them in front of old raids for mount farms. KSM Valor upgrades acted as sort of a catch-up. Still needed to do 15s for best time to gear progression to 220 pieces.
It’s honestly not that bad to upgrade the gear. Two solid days of rare farming will get you one piece of gear from the 220 to the 226 with some left over and 226 to 233, although a bit of a 3rd day might be required depending on your luck with the relic items that drop. Mostly it’s the timegate of needing renown 61 (5 more weeks away) to upgrade to rank 5 (226) and renown 75 (7 more weeks after that) to upgrade to rank 6. Now those socket and conduit upgrades, those are a bit pricey, especially considering conduit upgrades are on the RNG lottery which ones actually upgrade.
That’s a perfectly fine way to feel.
Did you ever run your alts through raids or PvP for gear or higher keys for the vault?
Or run mythic+ at all in legion and BFA where valor didn’t exist and it was rolling the titanforge dice for end of dungeon loot upgrades?
Raid, yes eventually but not really during progression and getting domination shards upgraded. I’m still doing 1 +15 a week on 1 alt currently. But I’m doing 10+ on this toon. I had hoped that I could have horded a bit of Valor on toon 2 in order to act as a sort of catchup for gear. But I can quickly see without it the gap widening very quickly. An alt is still an alt, but it’s just an additional step with an already fairly steep time investment
Lame but this frees them up later to change it and tout it as some big win and that they gave us something good after suffering through the bad for long enough and we’ll thank them for it.
The system is really starting to test its usefulness.
Two weeks worth of valor caps to increase your weapon 3 ilvls. So not that useful on mains.
And now, not even that useful on alts.
Turing into a “Yup, was too good to be true” experience.
Aw come on, one step forward three steps back.
Why is it no longer account wide, I want some answers.
Blizz: something something if you like the content you won’t mind doing it on alts also look how many individual characters are doing ksm our game is a success players love it
I would like to see it the way it was in 9.0.5 as well. KSM is a solid achievement and it’s a fair reward to allow alts to benefit from it.
I’m kind of tired of all these time gating system’s, look at the Kor upgrade system, you need tier 6 faction to get 226 gear and its not account wide. Everyone is gana out gear that b4 it is ever useful.
These halting peoples gear is killing my playstyle, I dont raid M raids anymore, I like gearing all 12 to 14 toons over that.
I don’t know what else to say. I cant wait for Endwalker I really enjoy playing all specs getting them max lvl and geared no matter the game.
I thought I would even like the new Tohrghast with the ToKnowledge stuff, then all of a sudden cap
World of Beta Caplands
I am not sure this will happen. Account wide rewards makes buying carries more worthwhile. There will only be a fraction of the people willing to buy a carry for multiple characters.
The design philosophy is being held hostage by the need to make 2-3 months of content last 6-8 months.