KSM M+ Tank LF KSH push group/guild

Hey all,

I’m looking to push KSH this season in either a guild or static group environment now that we have a season without a migraine of a seasonal affix. Casually get KSM (almost) every season and I’d like to try and go beyond it this time.

Days/Hours are flexible, I would really rather not have to pug to progress KSH this season nor have to look beyond the server if I can help it.

Bumping, still on the look out :eye: :eye:

We have a group that works towards KSH, feel free to reach out to Anvilguard if interested and check out our guild discord.

We’re still primarily an RP guild and some of us (like me) are fairly casual about keys. No biggie if we aren’t what you’re looking for but thought I’d offer :v::sparkles:

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