[A-RP] <Vigilants of Tyr> - Updated for 10.1.7!

Hello there!

Welcome to the Vigilants of Tyr! We’ve been here on Moon Guard for over two years now, and with recent story beats in 10.1.7 I thought we should update everything!

If you’ve looked at us before, here’s the big changes from the last update!

  1. The Tyr’s Guard is back! As the guild was designed to effectively be the Tyr’s Guard (or a successor), we’re ICly joining up! The Vigilants are now a part of the Tyr’s Guard, ICly subservient to the canon Tyr’s Guard.

Here’s the TLDR:

The Vigilants of Tyr are a part of the Tyr’s Guard - a group dedicated to honoring and upholding Keeper Tyr’s legacy. We seek to protect what Tyr left behind, and make sure that Tyr’s efforts are continued in the ever-changing world of Azeroth!

Now here’s the long version:

The Vigilants of Tyr were formed to honor the memory of Tyr, pure and simple. Tyr was a great hero, and his actions have inspired the denizens of Azeroth to achieve great things - and he has been used as a rallying symbol for Paladins and the Light everywhere! However, the Tyr’s Guard who protected his tomb and his memory were slain during the Legion invasion. The Vigil was initially formed to take up their mantle - but with the return of the Tyr’s Guard during Dragonflight, the Vigil is now a part of the Tyr’s Guard (we’re the kinda weird ones that they don’t talk about at family gatherings, and aren’t allowed to show up on home videos).

The Vigilants seek to protect artifacts and relics related to Tyr across Azeroth - so if you see any, let us know! We’d be very interested in taking them off your hands, or at the very least keeping them safe.

Artifacts and relics are nice and all, but Tyr stood for more than ancient curios. The Vigilants are encouraged and driven to enter the world and do as Tyr did - venture forth, protect Azeroth, and smite evil wherever we might find it.

To put this into clearer terms:

Our guild campaigns typically involve the Vigilants getting involved in general adventures, dangerous expeditions, dives into Titanic ruins, and general do-goodery.

Our members do not have to worship Tyr, the Titans, etc. Having a basic respect for Tyr and his ideals is the only requirement - worshiping any of the Titans (that aren’t evil) is just a bonus!

OOC Information:
We currently run two /roll 20 events each week, using a homebrewed system, known as “Dusty Old System” or “DOS” for short, on the addon “Dicemaster”. The main guild story is on Tuesdays at 8 PM server, while side stories and one-offs are generally on Thursdays at 8 PM server.

This guild is Neutral IC, but Alliance leaning. With 10.1 opening up cross-faction guilds, Horde characters are welcome to join as well!

All characters, regardless of faction, should at least be inclined towards doing good - evil characters do not fit in this guild as a member (although if you really want to RP with us, we have an Affiliate rank - or you can just RP with us anyway without having the guild tag). A true hero, a criminal in search of redemption, or just some poor fool that found one of our recruitment flyers - these can all work!

As such, all classes are welcome to apply to the guild so long as the character makes sense as part of the Vigilants. Talk with me directly if you aren’t sure if your character would be a good fit or not - if they can live by Tyr’s ideals and try to do good in the world, they can probably work!

If you don’t want to RP but want to hang out with us, you are welcome to reach out! We’re happy to just have more friends!

We currently have casual Mythic+ nights on Wednesdays at 8 PM server that anyone is welcome to join in on - but this is our casual night, so don’t come in and ask to get carried through at +15!

We do plan on getting KSM (and potentially Keystone Hero) in Dragonflight, so count us in for Mythic+ Dungeons! (Many of us achieved KSM at least once during Shadowlands, several of us multiple times!) However, we have no designs on an organized raiding team for any difficulty.

I hope this has made some amount of sense, and I encourage you to DM me in-game or in discord with your questions! I can be found at “snowsteel” on discord.

If you want to join our guild, send me a DM at “snowsteel” on Discord. I am no longer posting our most current discord link on the forums due to repeated issues of bot accounts joining the server.


Hey!! I’m in this guild! Come hang out with us! Please and thank you :sparkling_heart::sparkling_heart::sparkling_heart:

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We’ve just wrapped up our campaign in the Grizzly Hills! After defeating the weird wizard that was up to no good, we learned about some organization called “The Hand of Loken”.

We don’t really know what they’re up to, but anything regarding Loken is probably bad - and the amount of blood magic being used by the wizard we found was definitely bad.

Our next campaign will be starting on Tuesday, so now’s a great time to get introduced and involved!

Additionally, our group has settled on Sundays at 8 PM server for our Fated Raid nights! If you want to get a Jelly Cat this season, come on by! I can’t promise these will be smooth runs, but we’re going to do our best!

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Hey, it’s Brewfest time! What better way to introduce a character than over a fresh brew?

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Good looking guild and layout. Grats on one year on the server! :smiley:

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Dragonflight is just around the corner! The Vigilants will be venturing to the Dragon Isles in-character, so now’s a great time to get introduced before the big adventures begin!

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Ruf stinky

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Grats on a year on MG! And cool looking guild!

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The post has been updated for the launch of the Dragonflight prepatch! Take a look at the updates (TLDR: we’re going to dragonlands, and dracthyr are welcome)!

The Vigil is open to new members, so come and say hello!

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Our campaign on the Dragon Isles starts next Tuesday! If you want to get in on the Tyr action, come check us out!

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Hey folks! It’s a new year, hope it’s gone well!

The Vigil is still recruiting, and we’re additionally looking for additional officers for handling recruitment and/or running events! Either way, if you wanna come on our adventures just give me a poke!

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We’ve just finished our first main campaign for Dragonflight (if you’ve completed the first renown questline for Valdrakken, you probably know what it is)!

The Vigil is now focused on Tyrhold and completing the process the heroes started there - and we could use some help!

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How do you do fellow cultists I MEAN!..uh Vigilants?? :dracthyr_uwahh_animated:

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We are totally not a cult but we are a tax exempt organization! :dracthyr_hehe_animated: Therefore as sovereign citizens of azeroth you are exempt from not only taxes but most if not every law, except the law of praising Tyr. This may or may not stem from Juspion trying to pay his taxes with a bag full of broken glass and Glauric was like, just make him tax exempt I can’t even right now with this.

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With all this trouble going on, the world needs Tyr! Or our best attempts at following in his footsteps, whichever is a more reasonable goal. The Vigil is still recruiting! The work is hard, the rewards are few, and you’ll likely die - but maybe not. I think we might benefit from a few more healers IC…

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Hey folks! We’re currently taking a break on our guild stories for Conquest, but we’ll be starting back up once it’s over! We’re always looking for more hands to do Tyr’s work, so give us a shot!

(I had replaced the discord link, but the new one was also attracting bots. I am no longer posting a direct link to the discord on the forums, to see if this was the main source. Please reach out to me directly!)

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With this week’s story content, it looks like the Tyr + Silver Scale storyline is moving forward a little bit! Not posting any spoilers here, but if you wanted to help with that story IC as well - that’s pretty much what we’re about!

The Vigilants of Tyr could always use some more help!

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The Vigilants are still Vigil…in’.

I dunno man.

But we’re still accepting new members, and we’re bracing for whatever happens with the Tyr story in 10.1.7! Seems like there’s going to be more Tyr folks loitering about, so perhaps we’ll get some interesting tales to tell.

You can find me on discord at “snowsteel” if you’re interested in the guild, or if you just have some questions!

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Join before I make Ruf change our name to Vigilants of Argus!! DESTROYER OF WORLDS!!

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The post has been updated! As the Tyr’s Guard are back, and the Vigil was made to effectively be the Tyr’s Guard, we’re joining up! The Vigil is now just a part of the Tyr’s Guard!

We’re just, the kinda weird ones off to the side. Travard and co can keep the spotlight, we’ll keep doing cool adventures and saving the day elsewhere!

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