Kris Zierhut interview states no RDF but will implement tank/healer dungeon incentives

And look at retail /cough … i commend their tenacity torwards this area. Problem is people are so near sighted they can’t see past their nose. Used to be people found ways to take design pillars and work with them to better the game … now all i see are children crying they cant have everything their way. Not willing to compromise on both sides as a whole … ive gave a suggestion that solves most of the issues … 1-70/80 normal dungeons with RDF xserver … Heroics LFG … later on between the last 2 tiers put in HEroics into RFD with the badge rewards to catch people up … get retention up … ready to roll into another expansion. Solves the leveling crisis … solves the social crisis … keeps heroics mostly where they are intended. Seems quite obvious to me but yet although you solve 90% of the problems people STILL complain … that 10% isnt worth it to lose it 100%. Seriously take a break and think about it.

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Yeah that would be a great compromise, I agree! We don’t need heroic RDF. RDF is for leveling.

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Look again. Population flatlined HARD the entirety of wrath. After unimaginable growth during Vanilla and TBC. They turned away from what made the game so beloved, and why people desperately wanted classic to begin with.

People love to blame cata for killing the game, but most of the outcry during Cata was from the wrath babies that replaced actual WoW players, losing their minds over heroic dungeons that were not face rollable in level 80 greens. The people who left during cata, were not players that played during Vanilla and TBC, those people left during the wrath baby age.

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“you’ll be too geared if we include rdf”

Combined with
“here’s raid gear for 5 mans”

And just generally not realizing that wrath content, especially first tier, is basically sub LFR tier on the difficulty scale, and doesn’t even require leveling greens

Good lord this company is a clown show


Well, no, that isn’t true. End of Wrath between RDF and then Cata hype the subs were higher than ever. I was one of those many people that joined at that point

Somehow, you’re complete unable to understand what people are posting. Most have known rdf would not come at launch. We’re still asking for it to be released sometime. Nothing blizzard has said means it will never be added


Wrath: Reforged.

Not Wrath Classic.

This is not a classic re-release of Wrath, it’s a abomination wearing the skin of wrath to lure people in with nostalgia.

I’d like wrath Classic servers please. Not this abomination trash Blizzards trying to shove on us.


Start of wrath: 11.5 million
End of wrath: 12 million

Start of BC: 8.5 million
End of BC: 11 million

Start of Vanilla: 1.5 million
End of Vanilla: 8 million

Start of Cata: 12 million
End of Cata: 9.1 million

More fine grained detail on wrath:

q4 2008: 11.5
q1 09 : 11.5
q2 09: 11.5
q3 09: 11.5
q4 09: 11.5
q1 10: 11.5
q2 10: 11.5
q3 10: 12 (included prepatch hype of cata)
q4 10: 12 (cata launch)

Ya, totally stagnant growth, until cata prepatch. Truly the pinnacle of growth.

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cool screw you DPS not like you need gear or want mounts right?

Please don’t say things like this about Blizzard. They are doing the best that they can and are giving us WotLK in a few days.

but having Tank and Healer Bonus Rewards in Dungeons is fine hmmm ok mr. tank.

Please tell us you’re joking.

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No, wrath release in a few days!

Still, that “plateau” was part of the peak. The claims that RDF made people leave en masse just don’t hold up


yep all the posts and videos just a few people unlike you

100% with you of course. I was FULL anti rdf but i started taking the time to read what people wrote … points made both sides … and thought about it over a few days. Now, i have formed an INFORMED suggestion which i think works for everyone almost but not fully and quite frankly would like to see it kept this way even if cata is released.

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Well he wasn’t wrong. Clown show is operating your game!

Instead of just adding an actual wrath feature they keep throwing in retail features which don’t even really address the problems RDF fixes.


Where do they say you get raid gear here?

You are free to check my forum post history, the blizzard quarterly reports with sub counts is there, I debunked a few anti-rdf clowns that made this claim. The population for Wrath was flatlined at 11.5m for most of Wrath’s life span, and the quarter after RDF was released saw an increase from 11.5m to 12m, and population did not dip below the 11.5m mark RDF release at until 1.5 years later in the midst of the dumpsterfire cata became.

Class pruning, talent tree locking, class homogenization, and a pretty meh story with a pitiful deathwing fight is what turned people away. Also, Cata heroics were faceroll, they just had some one shot mechanics that were bait for bad players.

Vanilla WoW and Vanilla TBC was full of the same bad player that would get killed by those mechanics as well.