Kris Zierhut interview states no RDF but will implement tank/healer dungeon incentives

Looks at historic login queues

Are you sure about that?


I would like that to be true, but if that was true, Trans-Blizzard could state that clearly: they intend to implement LFD/RDF but not at launch. Soon™.

And why were folks queuing into those mega servers? Because they were afraid their realms would be dead.

Why did it matter if they’re realms were dead?

Because there is currently no cross-realm dungeons. So you’d be out of luck if you’re on a dead realm.


Most players don’t even want RDF except a couple people on the forums


I think he pivoted on that because the socializing argument doesn’t hold up to the actual experience which is people still being anti-social without RDF, and then looked for the next excuse lol


Side note on Kris Zierhut, I was under the impression Blizz was changing all in game references on items etc to real world developers , however looks like Zierhut’s Treads from kara did not get that treatment.

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Why do you keep saying Trans-Blizzard?

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This is the reason I never believe anything that comes out of a dev’s mouth.

Those against rdf have told us they want players out in the world not dungeon spamming. Now Zierhut says that adding tank/healer dungeon incentives consumables means that tanks and healers will not need to go out into the world to farm for those consumable.

Anyway doesn’t matter what bribes they use to try to get me to forget there’s no rdf. I still won’t heal pugs until it’s added. I’ll only heal for my guild until we get the rdf. Why pug when I still get the rewards when I do guild runs.


Because they’re overdramatic and consider any realm with under 2.5k population, which was considered full back then, to be dead. That’s why. It has nothing to do with anything else but the weird min max obsession of some portions of the Classic community that trickles down.

The facts are this: Classic Wrath is shaping up to be a fantastic addition, WITHOUT RDF. I would hardly call that “one of the bigger mistakes in gaming history”. It would be foolish to.

Any truly dead realm got consolidated or free transfers. There’s no such things as dead realms.


To offend certain people.

I think it’s more about removing anything lewd or tied to developers that were inappropriate, i dont think Zierhut had a scandal did he?

Even the interviewer MrGM expressed wanting RDF

Plus people just want mega servers. The layer system isn’t perfect but dividing up the community just sucks honestly. In FFXIV, GW2, and Retail you don’t have these limitations anymore, it feels so outdated but the Classic team pretends not to see that while the community has made the decision for them

They only changed stuff that was from the questionable devs. We still have Nat Pagle, after all.

Okay, so only a couple forum players and one MrGM want RDF. Still not most of players.

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How do you give bonuses to tanks and healers without RDF system? Current one, we can all roll as tank/heals. So bonuses for everyone so long as they don’t need to develop RDF?


I’d agree with you in the sense that the server populations are higher than in 2008 – BUT, if you take a look at Classic Era realms, the community is quick to abandon servers these days as soon as they feel like people are moving to another realm, and the realm goes from 4x launch population to 0 players online in the matter of weeks.

We’re in a bubble now with all the hype of the launch but the players know that won’t last and the realm dynamics will change after the hype is done.

They implemented a policy of no real life references going forward in any of their games to avoid possible situations. For example Kristen Demeza NPC name was changed to Kristen Dipswitch as it was an easter egg reference to the old forum mod Cadiem (Kristen DeMeza was KDM = Cay-di-em) and she was definitely not involved in anything of the sort.

Edit: Good point on the glaring example of Nat Pagle. Maybe its because Cadiem left blizz to go work with the team on Wildstar with other ex-wow peeps back then. In any case seems consistency is not there.

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I think it’s more about the role you are in the actual dungeon, like at the end of the dungeon you get extra loot or experience if you’re a certain role. he said it has nothing to do with the LFG tool

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I think people actually do want to do dungeons. Not only are they required in BC but they’re just fun for most people. Getting a group to do dungeons is just too hard so without a solution from the devs people make the only solution they can. They make megaservers


Its almost like this whole notion of an “Anti LFD” crowd trying to “gatekeep” you out of dungeons is all just a fantasy people made up.

Imagine that.